Ministry Planning
“Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will be established” - Proverbs 16:3

At Faith, our day-to-day ministry decisions are directed by our overall mission and strategic goals. We invite you to learn more about where we’re going and how we prayerfully aim to get there, both in our ministry-wide Strategic Ministry Plan (SMP) as well as through our staff initiatives.

2023-25 Strategic Ministry Plan

2022 will be remembered as the year we emerged from a pandemic and purposed to grow in gospel gratitude. We were blessed by an unprecedented level of support and involvement as together, we participated in Faith’s strategic planning process. Together, we decided in order to best steward the many opportunities the Lord presented to us, we should launch the 2023-2025 Free to Dream Strategic Ministry Plan and Capital Campaign to serve and honor Jesus Christ here and around the world.

2025 Staff Initiatives

Pastoral Team
Professional Staff
Pastoral Interns
Strategic Ministry Plan Archives

Review the Strategic Ministry Plans from past years.