Sam JeanRichard


Pastoral Intern - Faith Church


E.E.A.A. Theology (Bachelor equivalent) – Bibelstudienkolleg (Germany)
M.A.B.C. – Faith Bible Seminary
M.Div – Faith Bible Seminary (in Progress)

Sam and his wife Miri (Mirjam) married in 2007 and have served as native missionaries in Berlin, Germany since 2008. They love spending time with their two daughters and fellowshipping with friends and family. Sam serves as Pastoral Intern and is under the wings of Dr. Green at Faith East. Lord willing, Sam and Miri will return to Berlin, Germany and serve to start a counseling ministry in a local church and think about the implementation of further biblical counseling training at a Bible college. One of their favorite verses is Psalm 119:68: “You are good and do good. Teach me your Statutes”(NASB).