Serving Children

Learn more about Serving on Sunday & Wednesday

Meeting Times

Sunday mornings

  • Faith East | 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 AM
  • Faith West | 9:30 and 11:00 AM
  • Faith North | 9:30 and 11:00 AM

Sundays evenings | Faith East | 5:00 PM

Wednesdays | Faith East | 6:30 to 8:00 PM

Position Descriptions

Class Leaders - Teach Bible lessons using the curriculum provided, provide direction to the classroom assistants, and build relationships with the students and parents.

Class Assistants - Assist the leader with class responsibilities, help students participate actively in class activities, and build relationships with students and parents.

Nursery Servants - Provide quality care for infants and toddlers.

Special Needs Aides - Help children with special needs participate in our classes. No experience necessary. Training provided.

Children’s check-in Greeters - Register families that are new to our ministry.

Service Terms

Faith East

Sunday mornings

  • Class leaders serve weekly for either the school year or for the summer.
  • Class assistants serve weekly for either the school year or for the summer.
  • Nursery servants may serve one to four times per month as desired.
  • Special needs aides serve weekly as needed.
  • Children’s check-in greeters serve weekly on a monthly rotation.

Sunday evenings

  • Church Family Night nursery servants serve once every third month.

Wednesday evenings

  • Class leaders serve weekly during the school year.
  • Class assistants serve weekly during the school year.
  • Nursery servants may serve one to four times per month as desired during the school year
  • Special needs aides serve weekly as needed during the school year.
  • Children’s check-in greeters serve weekly on a monthly rotation.

Faith West

Sunday mornings

  • Class leaders serve weekly.
  • Class assistants serve weekly.

Sunday evenings

  • Church Family Night nursery servants serve once every third month at Faith East.

Wednesday evenings

  • Class leaders serve weekly during the school year at Faith East.
  • Class assistants serve weekly during the school year at Faith East.
  • Nursery servants may serve one to four times per month as desired during the school year at Faith East.
  • Special needs aides serve weekly as needed during the school year at Faith East.
  • Children’s check-in greeters serve weekly on a monthly rotation.

Faith North

Sunday mornings

  • Class leaders serve weekly.
  • Class assistants serve weekly.
  • Special needs aides serve weekly as needed.

Sunday evenings

  • Church Family Night nursery servants serve once every third month at Faith East.

Wednesday evenings

  • Class leaders serve weekly during the school year at Faith East.
  • Class assistants serve weekly during the school year at Faith East.
  • Nursery servants may serve one to four times per month as desired during the school year at Faith East.
  • Special needs aides serve weekly as needed during the school year at Faith East.
  • Children’s check-in greeters serve weekly on a monthly rotation.
Start of Term

Faith East

  • Summer Sunday Ministries: Sunday, June 1
  • School year Sunday Ministries: Sunday, August 17
  • Wednesday Ministries: Wednesday, August 13

Faith West

  • Sunday Ministries: Sunday, May 4
  • Wednesday Ministries: Wednesday, August 13

Faith North

  • Sunday Ministries: Sunday, June 1
  • Wednesday Ministries: Wednesday, August 13

Frequently Asked Questions

Would others be serving with me?

Each class will have at least two servants. Some classes may have as many as six. The number of servants in a classroom depends on a number of variables including class size, age of the students, and the activities planned for the class.

Would I need to come up with my own material?

No. We provide curriculum for both Sunday and Wednesday teachers. On Wednesdays, experienced teachers have more freedom in crafting lesson plans.

What curriculum would we use?

Our Sunday School classes use a solid Bible curriculum published by John MacArthur’s ministry called Grace Curriculum. Wednesday classes use a curriculum that emphasizes the development of godly character.

When would I need to be there?

We ask all servants to arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of the ministry session. This allows sufficient time to prepare for the ministry session and welcome children.

How much out-of-class time would be involved?

Class leaders will need to spend some out-of-class time prepping for each week’s lesson. We encourage leaders to use the class curriculum for their personal devotions. This minimizes the amount of prep required and also tends to improve the leader’s passion for the lesson. Class assistants may be asked by their class leaders to spend a limited amount of time prepping a craft, activity, or snack. Little to no out-of-class time is required of children’s check-in greeters, special needs aides, and nursery workers.

If I were to serve on Sunday, would I have to miss out on worship or an ABF?

No. At Faith East, many who serve in our ministry worship at one hour, attend ABF at another hour, and serve at a third hour. Many who cannot attend three ministry sessions on Sunday choose to worship and serve while getting involved in small group Bible study or Faith Community Institute class. At Faith West and Faith North, those who serve in our ministry worship at one hour and serve at the alternate hour.

What if I need to be absent?

We understand that there may be weeks when conflicts or illnesses would prevent you from serving. In such cases, we would ask that you work with your coordinator to find a suitable substitute to take your place.

Sign up to Serve