Dads, make a new memory with your children and go on an adventure! At each campus, there are 4 hidden geocaches to find and collect puzzle pieces to put together for a special message. Explore and find 4 geocaches at Faith East, 4 geocaches at Faith West, and 4 geocaches at the Northend Community Center or pick one location to go to with your kids. To access the maps and to find more information:
Brent Aucoin: Heart of Change
Brad Bigney: Gospel Treason
Tim Keller: Removing Idols of the Heart
Brent Aucoin: The Role that Deception Plays in Stimulating Idolatry
Jennifer Phillips: When Children Won’t Bow to Your Idols
Tim Keller: Identity
Brad Bigney: Humility: Killing Pride
Tim Keller: Blessed Self-Forgetfulness
Joe Blake: Biblical Parenting for the Glory of God: Common Ground
Randy Patten: Biblical Parenting for the Glory of God: Discipline
Rob Green: Biblical Parenting for the Glory of God: Teaching
Brad Bigney: Desperate Parents Make the Best Parents
Kevin Carson: Parenting Teens: Encouraging Spiritual Growth
Jim Newheiser: You Never Stop Being a Parent
Dan Wickert: Teaching Your Children about Sex
Dan Wickert: Biblical Principles of Sex
Jim Davis, Angela Davis, Lindsey Holcomb, Justin Holcomb: Kids, Let’s Talk about Sex
Handout Download: Foundations of Parenting (Brent Aucoin)
Session #1: Our Purpose
Session #2: Our Pleasures
Session #3: Our Priorities
Session #4: Our Path
Chris Moles: Counseling Husbands Who Have Abused Their Wives (Chris Moles)
Chris Moles: Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
A three session conference with Paul Tripp that includes:
Tim Keller: Counterfeit Gods
Brad Bigney: Gospel Treason
Lou Priolo: Heart of Anger: Practical Help for the Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children
Lou Priolo : Teach Them Diligently: How To Use The Scriptures in Child Training
Tedd Tripp: Shepherding a Child's Heart
Paul Tripp: Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens
Paul Tripp Video series for parents: Getting to the Heart of Parenting
Paul Tripp: Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family
Sara Wallace: For the Love of Discipline: When the Gospel Meets Tantrums and Time-Outs
Stuart Scott & Martha Peace : The Faithful Parent: A Biblical Guide to a Raising a Family -
Dave Powlison: Life Beyond Your Parents Mistakes