Behold our God

6 Weeks
Behold our God

Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)

Class Time: 6:30-8:00pm (dates listed below)

Course Description: Learn about different attributes of God to get to know our Creator to lead us to behold Him.

Week 1: Introduction/Beholding God: The Great Attraction

The first week will hold introductions and diving into week one. Week one biography is of A.W. Tozer. The lecture will be about knowing intimately and personally God. He is the great attraction and delight of the Christian, and therefore, we want to truly know him and not fall victim to a counterfeit knowledge of him. We'll discuss some counterfeit ways of knowing God and watch a 10 minute panel discussion before opening up to discussion within the group.

Week 2: Beholding God: Clearing the Way for Our Return

This week, the biography is of Timothy Dwight. In the lecture, we’ll talk about some of the different obstacles that come up in our pursuit of knowing a Holy God. In many ways, this class incorporates a lot of teaching on the heart and how our low view of God or even nonexistent views of Him influences our other beliefs. Which in turn influences our desires. Which in turn influences our actions. We need to believe God is who he says is evidenced by our actions.

Week 3: Beholding God in the Bible

This week, the biography is about George Muller. In the lecture, we will see that the Bible is a book that progressively reveals a person that we can know. Its primary function is not a self-help book, counselor’s almanac, history book, or another such thing. Its primary function is to reveal God to us. We’ll talk about how our view of God will affect the way we approach Scripture. We’ll talk about Job, who, when he got a better glimpse of who God was, declares, “Now my eye sees you, and I repent in dust and ashes.” We must return to the Scriptures so that they can show us who God is and, therefore, so that we might glorify, delight and enjoy him.

Week 4: Beholding God in the Face of Jesus Christ

This week, the biography is about Samuel Rutherford. In the lecture, we will talk about how we see who God is most clearly through Christ. He reveals the incomprehensible God. We’ll show how the Scriptures gave shadows of Christ. We’ll skim through some passages in the OT that are shadows of what Christ will be like (the Servant passages), as well as some passages in the NT. We want to be enraptured with the beauty of Christ. He is so much better than anything this world could offer.

Week 5: Beholding God in the Work of Salvation

This week, the biography is on George Whitefield. In the lecture, we will talk primarily about seeing who God is through the Gospel. The Gospel is not something we learn once and then move on to “higher truths.” The Gospel is the fuel of the Christian life. It is what we go to over and over again always coming back to it to see who our great God is and what he has done for us. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 is one passage we will go to in looking at the Gospel.

Week 6: Beholding God and the Response of Personal Holiness

This week, the biography is about Robert Murray M’Cheyne. In this lecture we will be talking about how when we see God for who He truly is we will want to become like him. In other words, looking at who God is will motivate us to want to become like him. Therefore, reminding ourselves who God is by looking at Christ and his work through the Gospel will motivate us towards personal holiness.

  • Aug 28
  • Sep 4
  • Sep 11
  • Sep 18
  • Sep 25
  • Oct 2


Joseph Bremenour


Pastoral Intern - Faith Church


M.Div – Faith Bible Seminary (in Progress)

Joseph and his wife Kataryna married in March of 2023 and moved to Lafayette in June of the same year to join the seminary cohort. They are both lovers of the arts and enjoy spending time building friendships with those they come in contact with. He is honored to work as a pastoral intern under Pastor Aaron Birk at Faith West. Joseph desires to one day use his gifts to shepherd and disciple the people of God into an increasingly deep relationship with the Jesus, who loves and cares for them more than anyone else.
