How to play great Board Games

6 Weeks
How to play great Board Games

Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)

Class Time: 6:30-8:00pm (dates listed below)

Class Limit: 12

Course Description: Learn how to play top rated board games and about various board game categories.

  • Aug 28
  • Sep 4
  • Sep 11
  • Sep 18
  • Sep 25
  • Oct 2


Mike Sandry


Mike Sandry was introduced to the world of board gaming in 1999 with his first playthrough of Settlers of Catan. Since 2004, he has been a regular attendee of Gen Con, North America's largest board gaming convention. Euro-style board games hold a special place in his heart, with favorites including Scythe, Settlers of Catan, Great Western Trail, Mosaic, and Terra Mystica. Beyond gaming, Mike is an owner of Iron Men Properties, a local real estate developer. He has been a dedicated member of Faith Church since 1999 and cherishes family time with his wife, four children, and two grandchildren.

Tim Keaton


Tim Keaton waited to seriously start gaming until chess club in 1st grade. Since then, his board game tastes have broadened, and he often spends far too much time at friendly local game stores like Tier 1 Games. He also spends some time at his job, teaching Statistics at Purdue. He attends Calvary Church in West Lafayette.
