Judges: God's People?
Location: Faith Church East (5526 State Rd. 26 East, Lafayette)
Class Time: 6:30-8:00pm (dates listed below)
Course Description: Tim Keller described the Book of Judges as “despicable people doing deplorable things”. It is clearly a book with troubling stories and people who do not seem very godly. We are led to wonder how this can be part of the Bible. We also ask ourselves: “How are we to read this book and how can it be useful to us?”. But the Book of Judges is part of God’s Word, so we know it is both useful and profitable. In this 6-week class, we will look at this book trying to understand it’s message for ancient Israel and for us as we consider what it tells us about God and what it tells us about man.
- Apr 9
- Apr 16
- Apr 23
- Apr 30
- May 7
- May 14