5th-12th Grade Math Tutoring
Afterschool Tutoring Program

The Northend Community Center Afterschool Tutoring Program is geared for families with students 5th grade -12th grade who are struggling and failing in math.

Days/Times: Wednesdays & Thursdays from 5pm-8pm

Dates: (Please note that the cutoff date to sign up is March 3)

Cost: $20 per semester per family (refundable at the end of the semester)

Register as a Student or a Volunteer

If you're a student looking for help, we're ready to help you! Or if you're proficient in math and want to volunteer to help tutor, we'd love to hear from you, too!

For which ages is this program designed?

This program will seek to reach co-ed students entering middle school, junior high, and high school.

What does this program offer?

The program offers one-to-one teaching and help with organizational skills, math basics, and retention. The program will tutor students in classes from 5th grade math to Geometry. Tutors will be paired with students based on their math background and mutual availability.