Biblical Communication

Dr. Steve Viars July 20, 2002

- We're finishing up our study of the book of Proverbs by looking at some of the key subjects that are addressed.
- we're doing it this way because the majority of the book is organized this way.
- the first nine chapters for the most part are organized in chapters or sections of Scripture.
- in other words, several verses go together and you can study them verse-by-verse.
- but chapter 10 begins what we often associate with the word "proverb"…
- each verse is a stand-alone saying, or pair of sayings, and one verse is not intended to go with the next one.
- you might say --- why is that?
- ultimately it because God designed this section of Scripture to be this way, but perhaps it is because some of us learn better when we're just given a short, simple, and memorable explanation…
- you could also make the case that certain topics are best learned in that fashion…
- in our study, we're grouping verses that address similar topics together, and the one we'd like to work on today is the matter of biblical communication.
- this is one of those topics that we could probably never study too often…
- most of us would say that the challenges we face often revolve around communication…
- there are a tremendous number of verses in this book that can help us….

- we're going to divide our time in this fashion…

I. The Gift of Communication
II. The Potential Benefit of Godly Communication
III. The Potential Damage of Ungodly Communication

I. The Gift of Communication

- the Bible uses different kinds of terminology to help us understand what a blessing it is to be able to communicate….
A. Right words are valuable

- Proverbs 10:20

- Proverbs 25:11-12

- INPUT - How did Solomon want these images to influence his readers?

B. Right words are refreshing

- Proverbs 10:11

- Proverbs 18:4

- Proverbs 13:14

- INPUT - List several kinds of communication that are refreshing in nature. Any specific examples?

C. Right words are nourishing and health-giving.

- Proverbs 15:4

- Proverbs 18:20

- Proverbs 16:24

- INPUT - List several kinds of words that are nourishing, or bring healing. Any specific examples?

- the point of this is, communication is a gift from God that can be a great blessing. One the questions we need to ask is, do we view it this way? Some folks seem to have the exact opposite attitude toward this subject. Describe a person who is thinking biblically about this topic [that communication is a gift] and someone who isn't.

II. The Potential Benefit of Godly Communication

- another major theme in the book is the admonition to think about the effects of our words.

A. Our words can settle conflicts

- Proverbs 15:1

- Proverbs 15:18 [NIV]

- cf. James 3:

B. Our words can restore those who have sinned

- Proverbs 25:12

- develop - right/wrong attitudes toward confrontation

C. Our words can rescue the perishing

- Proverbs 14:25

- INPUT - What is the implication of this passage to evangelism?

D. Our words can encourage those who are burdened.

- Proverbs 12:25

- Proverbs 15:23

- INPUT - What specific steps could we take to apply this passage?

III. The Potential Damage of Ungodly Communication

- of course, as with anything that can be used for good, human beings can also use that same commodity for evil.

A. We hurt others by lying.

- Proverbs 12:19

- Proverbs 12:22

B. We hurt others by gossiping

- Proverbs 11:13 [NJKV]

- Proverbs 20:19

C. We hurt others by speaking in sinful anger.

- Proverbs 29:22

D. We hurt others by speaking quickly

- Proverbs 29:20

- Proverbs 18:13

E. We hurt others by talking too much.

- Proverbs 10:19

Adult Bible Fellowship
Biblical Communication
Proverbs Series #41


I. The _________ of Communication
II. The Potential _____________ of _____________ Communication
III. The Potential _____________ of _____________ Communication

I. The _________ of Communication
A. Right words are _______________.
• Proverbs 10:20
• Proverbs 25:11-12
INPUT - How did Solomon want these images to influence his readers?
B. Right words are _______________.
• Proverbs 10:11
• Proverbs 18:4
• Proverbs 13:14
INPUT - List several kinds of communication that are refreshing in nature. Any specific examples?
C. Right words are _______________ and __________________.
• Proverbs 15:4
• Proverbs 18:20
• Proverbs 16:24
INPUT - List several kinds of words that are nourishing, or bring healing. Any specific examples?
II. The Potential _____________ of ______________ Communication
A. Our words can settle ______________.
• Proverbs 15:1
• Proverbs 15:18 [NIV]
B. Our words can _____________ those who have sinned.
• Proverbs 25:12

C. Our words can ____________ the perishing.
• Proverbs 14:25
INPUT - What is the implication of this passage to evangelism?
D. Our words can _______________ those who are burdened.
• Proverbs 12:25
• Proverbs 15:23
INPUT - What specific steps could we take to apply this passage?

III. The Potential _____________ of ______________ Communication
A. We hurt others by ___________.
• Proverbs 12:19
• Proverbs 12:22
B. We hurt others by _____________.
• Proverbs 11:13 [NJKV]
• Proverbs 20:19
C. We hurt others by speaking in ____________ ___________.
• Proverbs 29:22
D. We hurt others by speaking ____________.
• Proverbs 29:20
• Proverbs 18:13
E. We hurt others by talking ________ __________.
• Proverbs 10:19

Dr. Steve Viars


Senior Pastor - Faith Church

Director - Faith Legacy Foundation


B.S.: Pre-Seminary & Bible, Baptist Bible College (Now Clarks Summit University)
M.Div.: Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min.: Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary

Dr. Steve Viars has served at Faith Church in Lafayette, IN since 1987. Pastor Viars leads and equips Faith Church as Senior Pastor with a focus on preaching and teaching God’s Word and using his organizational skills in guiding the implementation of the Faith Church mission and vision. He oversees the staff, deacons, and all Faith Church ministries. Dr. Viars serves on the boards of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Vision of Hope, and the Faith Community Development Corporation. Steve is the author, co-author, or contributor to six books and numerous booklets. He and his wife, Kris, were married in 1982 and have two married daughters, a son, and five grandchildren.

Read Steve Viars’ Journey to Faith for the full account of how the Lord led Pastor Viars to Faith Church.

View Pastor Viars' Salvation Testimony Video