Colossians 4:2-3

Dr. Steve Viars February 25, 1995 Colossians 4:2-3

- this morning we're going to move into a new section of our study of the
book of Colossians.

- of course the theme of the book is well known by now -- the preeminence
of Christ.

- he laid that doctrine out in the first chapter
- then he said in chapter two -- he had a great conflict, or wrestling
in his heart
- according to verse 2:4 - because he was afraid someone might
beguile them, or lead them away from the belief that Christ
is preeminent.

- He's sufficient for their salvation
- He's sufficient as their model
- He's sufficient for their growth
- He's sufficient to help them solve the problems of life.

- he spent the rest of chapter two warning them of things that would draw
them away from this belief and this lifestyle
- legalism
- asceticism
- mysticism

- now, in chapter three -- he's saying -- here's what people who believe
in the preeminence of Christ look like:

- they set their affections on the things of heaven and not on the
things of earth.
- they put off sinful habits and replace them with godly ones
- they let the word of Christ dwell in them richly
- the preeminence of Christ affects their relationships at home
- it affects their relationships at work (like we've been studying
the last three weeks)

- this morning, we want to begin studying Colossians 4:2-6 //looking at
the preeminence of Christ and the way we speak.

- read 4:2-6

- there are a lot of important truths in this passage...but you can see
that the theme is communication, or speech, or what we do with our

- this is a very, very important subject...and it will probably take us
at least three weeks to get through these verses.

- today, we're going to talk about:
- the speech of prayer
- then next week -- the speech of proclamation
- lastly, -- the speech of purity


- let's think together about the power of a person's speech.

1. Words are very powerful
- words, even a few of them, can make an incredible difference

a) Ladies and gentlemen, have you reached a verdict?

- yes, we have your honor, we find the defendant __________.

- those are powerful words.

b) You're sitting in the doctors office, your palms are clammy,
you're nervous, the tests have come back...

- the doctor says -- the tumor was benign.

- powerful words

c) Warren Wiersbe, in writing on these verses said, for every word
contained in Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf, 125 lives were lost in WW

d) it's a small wonder that the Scriptures tell us, "Death and life
are in the power of the tongue." (Prov. 18:21)

2) Words are also important because they reveal the heart.

- one translation of Matthew 12:34 says; "The mouth speaks from what
the heart is filled with."

- Sigmund Freud went to great lengths to try to uncover the supposed
- word association
- dream analysis

- of course the Scripture says nothing about the existence of the
- but it has much to say about the heart -- the most
comprehensive term to biblically describe our inner man
- we are to give much attention to our inner man--we're to guard
our hearts.

- since that’s true, that makes the subject of these verses very
- "the mouth speaks from what the heart is filled with."

- our speech is a very important subject.

3) Communication is one of the clearest areas of difference between the
saved and the lost. (MacArthur)

a) the unredeemed mouth is characterized by:

1. evil - Prov. 15:28
2. sexual immorality - Prov. 5:3
3. deceit - Jer. 9:8
4. curses - Ps. 10:7
5. oppression - Ps. 10:7
6. lies - Prov. 12:22
7. destruction - Prov. 11:11
8. vanity - II Peter 2:18
9. flattery - Prov. 26:28
10. foolishness - Prov. 15:2
11. madness - Eccles. 10:12-13
12. carelessness - Matt. 12:36
13. boasting - Rom. 1:30
14. false doctrine - Titus 1:11
15. evil plots - Ps. 37:12
16. hatred - Ps. 109:3
17. too many words - Eccles. 10:14
18. gossip - Prov. 26:22

b) the redeemed mouth is characterized by:

1. confession of sin - I John 1:9
2. confession of Christ - Rom. 10:9-10
3. edifying speech - Eph. 4:29
4. talk of God's law - Ex. 13:9
5. praise to God - Heb. 13:15
6. blessing of enemies - I Peter 3:9
7. talk about God - Ps. 66:16
8. wisdom and kindness - Prov. 31:26
9. gentleness - Prov. 15:1

- obviously, we could add a lot more to these lists -- but as they stand,
they provoke some important questions:

1) How are you doing on this important matter of communication?

2) Is the way you speak measurably different than those who don't
know Christ?

- now, with that in mind, let's go back and begin a careful study of Col.
- as you look at the passage -- there are some clear transitions that
explain why we're dividing these verses the way we are.

- in verse 2 -- Paul is talking about what kind of speech?
INPUT - prayer

- but then in verse three -- there's actually a transition
- he starts the verse talking about prayer (i.e. - pray for us)

- but then right in the middle of the verse he begins talking about a
different kind of speech
- INPUT - what kind of speech is that?
- evangelistic speech, speech of proclamation

- that continues through in verse 4

- then verse 5 is a general verse--you kind of wonder how that fits
in until you read verse 6, and you see that Paul is still talking
about our speech.

- so again, we'll be talking about:
1) the speech of prayer
2) the speech of proclamation
3) the speech of purity

- let's spend the rest of our time talking about this important matter of
- Paul gives us four things that ought to characterize the way we pray:

I. Pray With Perseverance

A. Meaning and parallel passages

- the word that is used here means "to be steadfast"
- to hold fast and not let go
- to be courageously persistent
- giving constant attention to it

- of course there are many other passages that make such an

1) Pray at all times - Eph. 6:18

2) Pray without ceasing - I Thes. 5:17

3) Be devoted to prayer - Rom. 12:12

4) The disciples "all continued with one accord in prayer -
Acts 1:14

5) The early church "continued prayers" - Acts

- of course we're not talking about a constant vocalization of
- instead these verses are also talking about an attitude of
prayer -- "having a God-consciousness that relates every
experience of life to Him."
- but these verses indicate a whole lot more vocalization of
prayer than most of us do.

- Paul is saying that our prayers ought to characterized by

- we're not going to take time to do so, but we could also look at
two parables that our Lord told to illustrate this point in
Luke 18:1-8, and Luke 11:5-10.

- one of the most important things we could say about this point is that
we must be sure we are BEING STEADFAST by:

B. Persevere to pray biblically.

- it would be a terrible thing to be working at something and
find out that our effort was taking us in a wrong direction.

- so let's bring some other truths in here and tie them back to
this idea of perseverance.

1. Pray to confess our sins (I John 1:9, Matt. 6:12)

- a good question to ask this morning would be, "Am I showing
that I believe in the preeminence of Christ by steadfastly
using my tongue to confess sin? is that part of my speech?

2. Pray to offer praise to God (Matt. 6:9)

3. Pray for power to overcome sin (Eph. 6:18, Matt. 6:13)

4. Pray for the needs of others (I Thes. 5:25)

5. Pray for your own needs (Matt. 6:11)

6. Pray in the name of Christ (John 15:16)

7. Pray for the glory of the Father (John 14:13)

- now, let's tie this back in to what Paul said to the Colossians
- how well are we doing at continuing in prayer?
- are you steadfast?
- are you persevering?

- are you steadfast in your prayers of praise?
- are you steadfast in your prayers to overcome sin?
- (etc...)

- probably a good question to ask at this point is:

C. Why we should pray this way.

- there's a number of answers for why God wants us to persevere
in our prayers:


1. That’s often how long it takes to change our wills.

- this isn't a matter of "talking the Lord into something."
- prayer is an opportunity to remind us who we are and who God

- often it takes time to submit our wills to the will of the
Father---perseverance in prayer allows us to do that.

2. To demonstrate the importance of the object for which we're

- if we persevere in our prayer for a person who doesn't
know the Lord, we have the opportunity to demonstrate
how much we love that person.

- etc....

3. To show the genuineness of our faith.

- often when we fail to do what this passage is commanding,
we show the weakness of our faith.

- Faith doesn't say -- I know God will
- Faith says - I know God can.

- so let me ask you this morning...
- when it comes to this matter of communication
- when it comes to the matter of how you use your tongue
- when it comes to the matter of praying....

- is one of the words that would be used to describe your prayer
life "perseverant"?

II. Pray With Alertness

- the passage also says, "watch in the same" or "keep alert."

- the word that is used there is the same from which we get the name
- which means - "I am alert" or "I am awake"

- of course, when you think of this word in the most literal sense,
what event do you think of?
- the disciples falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemanea
- Matt. 26:40-41 - "What, could you not watch with me one

- Paul is talking about much more than just "staying awake" when we

- the idea here is being spiritually awake, or spiritually aware.

- remember, many times the Lord used the phrase "watch and pray"
(Mark 13:33, 14:38)

- INPUT - what kinds of things would characterize "alert praying?"

- of course, this gives us another important question to ask -- when it
comes to the matter of how you use your tongue in prayer
- would it be accurate to describe your prayer as being "alert?"

III. Pray With Thanksgiving

- this is the fifth time in this small book that the subject of
thanksgiving has come up. (1:12, 2:6, 3:15, 3:17)

- INPUT - how is "praying with thanksgiving" different than the way
many of us pray? (simply pray for needs)

- INPUT - what's wrong with that? (views God as some sort of "cosmic

vending machine")

- INPUT - When is this especially difficult? (trials--the very time
when I should be careful to give thanks--for the
opportunity to grow)

IV. Pray With An Evangelistic Heart

- Paul says in verse 3, "pray for us, that we would have an open door
of utterance."

- we're going to talk about this more tonight in our commissioning
service for the Stilwells.
- are we praying specifically for our missionaries, and for
- that God would give us a door of utterance
- and that we would be faithful to "go through that door."

- we will study this matter more thoroughly next week, but how would
you do if we evaluated your prayers exclusively on this

Dr. Steve Viars


Senior Pastor - Faith Church

Director - Faith Legacy Foundation


B.S.: Pre-Seminary & Bible, Baptist Bible College (Now Clarks Summit University)
M.Div.: Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min.: Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary

Dr. Steve Viars has served at Faith Church in Lafayette, IN since 1987. Pastor Viars leads and equips Faith Church as Senior Pastor with a focus on preaching and teaching God’s Word and using his organizational skills in guiding the implementation of the Faith Church mission and vision. He oversees the staff, deacons, and all Faith Church ministries. Dr. Viars serves on the boards of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Vision of Hope, and the Faith Community Development Corporation. Steve is the author, co-author, or contributor to six books and numerous booklets. He and his wife, Kris, were married in 1982 and have two married daughters, a son, and five grandchildren.

Read Steve Viars’ Journey to Faith for the full account of how the Lord led Pastor Viars to Faith Church.

View Pastor Viars' Salvation Testimony Video