Colossians 4:5-6 pt 2

March 18, 1995 Colossians 4:5-6

- today, we're going to do some more work on verse 5 and then move into
verse 6.
- Dave and Janice Cody helped us greatly last week on this matter of
redeeming the time, of making the most of opportunities...
- by identifying a habit that many of us have that prevents us from
doing what this verse is teaching...that is
- the habit of thinking//saying -- "I just can't wait till we
get through such and such, or I just can't wait until
- that dissatisfaction with the present circumstances of life
often leads us to miss great opportunities.

- some of us act like we'd like to have the magic ball of thread
Dave and Janice told us about.

- let work on that together, from the perspective of what kinds of things
often go in the blank of "I can't wait until ________" and what
opportunities are missed as a result.

- on white board:

I Can't wait until ___________. The opportunity that could be missed.


- the point we're making is that this habit will prevent us from doing
what Col. 4:5 is commanding--making the most of opportunities.

- now let's take a lot at some other passages of Scripture that address
this issue:

1) Psalm 90:12 - so teach us to number our days, that we may
apply our hearts unto wisdom.

- people who are numbering their days make the most of each
opportunity the Lord brings across their path.
2) John 9:4 - I must work the works of Him that sent me while it
is day, for the night cometh, when no man can work.

- INPUT - what does this verse contribute to our discussion?

- we can't take it for granted that we'll always have
tomorrow, and that we'll always have tomorrow's
opportunities to "make the most of."

3) Romans 13:11-14

- the point I'd especially like us to see from these verses
is that men and women who are making the most of
opportunities have learned how to control their "lusts of
the flesh."

- INPUT - what are some lusts of the flesh we'll have to
control in order to make the most of the opportunities
God gives?

- I must have....
- I want .....
- I need ....

- now, in verse 6, Paul comes back around to the topic of our speech.
- of course the transition between verses 5 and 6 is that, the way we
walk wisely before those who don't know the Lord, and the way we make
the most of often in the way we speak.

- verse 6 tells us some very important things about this:

I. Your Speech Should Be Gracious

A. What that means

- INPUT - what words or phrases come to mind when you think about
someone speaking graciously, or speaking with grace?

- saying what is spiritual, wholesome, fitting, kind,
sensitive, purposeful, complementary, gentle,
truthful, loving, and thoughtful.

- cf. Eph. 4:29 - let no corrupt communication...

- one writer defined this concept as "the language that
results from the operation of God's grace in the

- let me ask you this morning -- how does the way you
communicate measure up to this phrase?

- INPUT - When is this hardest to do?

- INPUT - With whom is this hardest to do?

(Auto-works story)
B. Who that’s like

- our Lord - Luke 4:22

- some of us might be tempted to say -- "I can't change in this
area--people are going to have to accept me the way I am"
- that doesn't square with Romans 8:29 -- we must be changing to
become more like Christ.

II. Your Speech Should Always Have A Positive Effect On Others

"seasoned wit salt"

- this metaphor can be taken different ways:

A. Stings when rubbed in a wound

Prov. 27:6 - faithful are the wounds of a friend

- most of us have gotten salt in a wound at one time or another--
we know how that can sting.

- sometimes our words have to be directed at a way someone else
needs to change.
- of course that’s always done in love (Eph. 4:15), but
there still might be some sting to it because of the
nature of the conversation.
- but that’s part of what it means to speak words that
are seasoned with salt.

B. Prevents corruption

- of course, in Bible times before modern means of
refrigeration, salt was well known as a preservative.
- they used salt to prevent the corruption of their food.

- undoubtedly, that’s part of what the Colossians would have
thought of when they heard this metaphor applied to their

- we are to speak in a way that has a positive spiritual effect
on others.
- unfortunately, many people use their tongues for just the
- they tear down other people's faith
- tear down other people's marriages
- their words make it harder for that person to live
for God.

- Paul wanted these folks to ask themselves -- does the way you
talk to others make it easier for them to come to Christ, and
easier for them to grow?

- another thing we could say about salt is that:

C. Has a purifying effect

- one writer said of this phrase, "our speech should rescue
conversation from the filth that so often engulfs it."

- I wouldn't be surprised if many of you work around people who
speak in a foul, wicked way.
- in your work situation, there may not be anything you can do to
change them
- but how do you speak around them, and are you part of the
problem or part of the solution?

- the overall point is that our speech is to be seasoned with salt--it is
to have a positive spiritual effect on others.
- you may want to think about the various conversations you've had this
- some undoubtedly were with people you know well, and whom you talk
to often.
- others may have been conversations with practical strangers.

- a good question to ask is -- What effect did your speech have on
- did it have a positive spiritual effect?

- the verse also says:

III. Your Speech Should Be Timely

- we should know how to respond to each person.

- that’s part of the challenge--what is appropriate with one person in
one situation may not be appropriate with someone else.
- cf. I Thes. 5:14

- Prov. 15:23, 25:11

- I Peter 3:15

- we're talking about learning to speak the right word at the right
time to the right person.


- this is surely a subject that shows whether we want Jesus Christ to
be preeminent. (cf. Col. 1:18)

- contrast Psalm 12:4 (speech of ungodly) with Psalm 141:3 (speech of