God's Word #1
- we're moving into our third topic in this series on Basic
Bible Truths
- We're determining what topics to teach by following the
same outline as our Christian Life and Growth class lessons
- we decided to do this because we had such a large number of
folks come into the church this year that we thought this
would be the best method of getting this important material
- if you've already been through Christian life and growth,
it's good to go through these lessons because:
1) while the topics are the same - the lessons have all
been reworked
- obviously since it's taken 11 weeks to get through
the first two - we're adding a lot of other
material we can't always include when we're
teaching Christian Life and Growth in 8 weeks
2) most folks, when they go through Christian Life and
growth, miss a few lessons – that’s probably true of
3) these are topics that are good to review and be
reminded of
- so far we've looked at assurance of salvation and our
growth in Christ
- today we're going to begin studying "God's Provision
Through His Word"
1) At salvation, God provided all you need to change and
grow - through His Spirit and His sword.
- we've studied II Tim. 3:16-17 - All scripture is given
by inspiration...that the man of God may be thoroughly
furnished unto every good work
2) We must recognize that there are many standards out
there - many agendas - many drill sergeants
INPUT - What voices with agendas seek your ear?
- media (how many of them are professing
- entertainment world/industry
- humanism
- education industry
Question we want to ask over and over in these lessons is -
What voice are you listening to? Whose agenda are you
- one of the first issues we have to address is the way you
view God's Word:
I. What Prevalent Views of The Bible Are Out There?
A. Wrong views
1. Bible is a novel - human document
- man's testimony of his encounter with God
- you may have a different experience and
therefore rewrite or reinterpret the Bible in a
way that fits your experience
- those who hold this view would say - its a nice
book - but there's nothing supernatural about it
2. Bible is a divine novel
- its a combination human document/God's revealed
- it contains facts for salvation, and it becomes
God's Word as it speaks to you
- the supernatural element isn't necessarily in the
way it was written or recorded, but it God does
to you as you read it
3. Bible is one of three volumes of truth
- Bible tells us how to be saved, has some good
general truths, but surely isn't all we need
for life and godliness
- also need human reason and empirical data
- (not arguing against thinking, or
experimentation in scientific fields - we're
talking about what source of "truth" a person
uses to determine how to change and grow)
- a person who holds this view usually places
human reason and empirical data on the same
"footing" as Scripture
- let's try to illustrate that
- let's say a young father is wrestling with the
issue of whether he should use spanking as a
method of discipline (develop -not only method)
- suppose - his friends all say spanking is
bad - will injure the child's personality
- as he has thought it through - he's "not
comfortable" with it either
- then he reads the Bible (which is the
normal order with these kinds of folks)
and sees what the Bible says about spanking
- what is a person with this view of the
scripture going to do with the Bible's
teaching on this subject?
4. Bible is outdated
- it was nice for folks who lived in the "olden
- but it can't be relevant for the nineties
- times are changing
- Bible's teaching on morality needs to be
- Bible's teaching on authority, husband-wife
roles, family, parenting, abortion,
homosexuality - all that the Bible says on this
subject needs to be "rewritten"
B. Bible view - it's the "Face of God"
- read Heb. 4:12
1. living, effective, active, powerful
- even though a person may choose to ignore it, set
it around with a stack of other books that collect
dust, the Bible's not "another book"
- it's not just someone else's word
- it's God Word
2. penetrates, sees, dissects, reveals, judges
- all of us can speak of times when we came to hear
the Word of God, or were studying it on our own -
and it "cut us" - it convicted us - it was as if we
- good question to think about - How do you view the Bible -
and what evidence is there to support your answer?
II. Why Is It So Important That The Bible Be Our Standard?
A. It is inspired
II Tim. 3:16
B. It is credible
II Tim. 3:16, 17
II Pet. 1:16-21
cf Who gave it, v. 19 "more sure..."
C. It is powerful
1. to save
II Tim. 3:15
I Peter 1:23
2. to change
John 17:17, James 1:22-25, II Tim. 3:16-17
Spirit's sword - Eph. 6:17, Heb. 4:12
D. It is sufficient
II Peter 1:3
II Tim. 3:16, 17
E. It is durable
Ps. 119:89 - forever settled in the heavens
119:160 - endureth forever
Matt. 5:18
I Peter 1:25
INPUT - therefore, what is out?
F. It is final
Deut. 4:2
Prov. 3:5-6
II Tim. 3:16-17
Rev. 22:18, 19