Holy Spirit #3

Faith Church July 25, 1992

- we're studying the Holy Spirit as part of our series on
Basic Bible truths
- this is our third lesson on this subject and I hope you've
been here for each one of them
- if you haven't, let me encourage you to get the tapes
- Pastor went over some material last week that is just
critical for our understanding of this subject
- you know, some folks who perhaps have focused on the sign
gifts in the past have trouble with us when we say that the
sign gifts aren't for today.
- but often one of the reasons for that response is that
they're not aware of the hundreds of things the Bible
says the Holy Spirit is doing today
- those are the kinds of things we've been studying and I
hope every person from our class either has that
material or gets that material and profits from it

- so far we've talked about the identity of the Holy Spirit
- Who He is
- last week, Pastor began talking about the ministry of the
Holy Spirit
- what He did in the Old Testament
- what he did during the ministry of Christ
- what happened during the transition from the
ministry of Christ to the church age

- today we want to talk about the ministry of the Holy Spirit
- so we're on Roman II, Letter "E:
E. His Ministry to the lost
- read John 16:7-11
INPUT - what is the Holy Spirit's ministry today,
according to these verses?
1. reproves
- let's look at some others passages to get a
better idea of what that word "reprove" means
cf. Jn. 8:46 - convince/convict
John 8:9 - convicted
Matt. 18:15 - tell him his fault
INPUT - so when the Lord said, "the Holy
Spirit will reprove men and women", He was
saying the the Spirit would use His Word to
convict us of ways we need to change.
- now, let's think about how that would work with a person
who doesn't know the Lord
INPUT - what does the Spirit reprove us of?
2. message
a. of sin - Before we were saved, we had no concept
of what sin really was. We may have had some
concept of good/evil--we might have even tried
to be good people in some cases--but the idea
of sin being a transgression against a Holy God
was foreign to our minds.
- as a result, many of us "sinned with a high
hand" (blatantly and at times even
- part of the Spirit's ministry was to
convict us of sin.
b. of righteousness
INPUT - in what way does the Holy Spirit convict
us of "righteousness"?
- that God is righteous - cf. Isa. - Holy,
- that God demands righteousness - his holiness
is a "two edged sword"
- He is completely without sin--but He also
can not have fellowship/relationship with
those who are sinners
- Isa. 59:2 - Sin has separated you
from your God
- that God provides righteousness - II Cor. 5:21
c. of judgement to come
- John 3:18
- Acts 2:22, 23, 37
9:1-6, 16:25-31
- let's think about this from the perspective of your own
experience for a minute
- now everybody's different, and the circumstances
surrounding your conversion to Christ are undoubtedly
- it seems like folks who have held out on making the
decision for a long period of time often times
experience more "emotion" when they're saved
- I'm curious - (and pastor asked you to think about this
question at the end of last week) What was it like when
you were under conviction by the Holy Spirit before
- How did it feel, what kinds of things were you
- so the Holy Spirit is having a definite and real and
powerful ministry to people who don't know Christ.
- INPUT - what effect should that have on us? (strengthen
our resolve to talk to others about the Lord)
- so he reproves of sin, righteousness, and judgement to
3. Saves each one who will believe
John 3:5 - born of the Spirit
Titus 3:5 -
- point is - the Holy Spirit has a very important ministry to
those who don't know Christ
- now let's move on and think about:
F. His ministry to believers
- (BREAK up into groups--look up the following verses and
write down in a few words what ministry the Holy Spirit
has to believers in that passage.
Eph. 1:13
Eph. 4:30
I Cor. 12:13
I Cor. 12:11
I Cor. 2:14 (cf. John 2:27)
Acts 1:8
Eph. 5:18
Rom. 8:13-16
II Cor. 3:17
(Come back together)
1. Eph. 1:13 and 4:30
- indwells us and He seals us
INPUT - what are some of the implications of the
fact that we are indwelled by the Spirit? (cf. I
Cor. 6 - our bodies are His temple)
INPUT - what are some of the implications of the
fact that we are sealed by the Spirit? (assurance
of salvation)
- cf. roof leak
- cf. John 10:28-30
INPUT - according to John 14:16, why does the
Spirit seal us and indwell us?
- to comfort us
- to give victory and to give growth
2. baptizes us into one body - I Cor. 12:13
- INPUT - what are some implications of the fact that
we are batized into the body of Christ?
(we must keep the unity - cf. argument of I
Cor. 12:13)
3. gives gifts for service - I Cor. 12:11
- INPUT - why can't I pray for someone else's gift or
covet someone else's gift?
4. Illumines His Word - I Cor. 2:14, I John 2:27
5. Empowers for witness, service, growth
Acts 1:8
Eph. 1:15-19
- Is this a zap?
cf. James 1:25, John 13:17
6. Fills or controls - Eph. 5:18
7. Rom. 8:13-16 - Assures of belonging to Him by
8. II Cor. 3:17 - Gives liberty
- INPUT - what questions should we be asking ourselves as a
result of studying this material?
- INPUT - what are some implications of this material to the
way we raise our children?

Faith Church