Preparations For His Imminent Return
- I think it would be good to begin our time tonight by
defining a couple of terms. We're going to be referring to
the tribulation and the rapture tonight and I realize that
you may be here tonight and aren't sure what those terms
- tribulation - seven year period of judgement on the world
and its inhabitants - foretold in many passages of
Scripture and described in detail in the book of Revelation
- rapture - literally "caught up", event where Christ
meets his church (living and dead) in the air and takes us
back with Him to heaven
- one of the decisions that must be made in studying end-time
events is - from a chronological perspective, what is the
relationship between the rapture and the tribulation
- In other words, does the church go through the tribulation
and then is raptured?
- does the church go through the first half of the trib.
and then get raptured?
- is the church raptured before the tribulation begins?
- There are three primary positions that can be taken
- pre-tribulational - church taken before the trib.
- mid-tribulational - church is taken at the mid-point of
the trib.
- post-tribulational - church is taken after the trib.
- there is another wrinkle in this for some folks who believe
in a partial rapture, where only those believers are truly
ready to be raptured are raptured the first time
- theoretically - partial-pre-trib, partial-mid-trib.,
partial post-trib.
- these positions aren't very common
- on Jan. 17 - Pastor Dutton will discuss the rapture in
much more depth, but tonight we need to at least establish
which of these positions the Bible teaches and why because
which position you hold is going to affect how much you
think our topic tonight is relevant (develop - if you hold
to a post-tribulational rapture, there's not much
motivation for getting prepared for it now)
- we believe that the position that is most consistent with
all the Bible says on this is the pre-tribulational
- in other words - the rapture of the church will precede the
- I want to stay away from what Pastor Dutton is going to
address in a couple of weeks, but let me give you one of
the most convincing reasons for holding the pre-
tribulational position
- doctrine of imminency - (if thats a new word to you
tonight, this should be the last one)
- there are no future events revealed in Scripture as
necessary before Christ can come. (doesn't require
the idea of immediacy)
- there is a lot of Scripture on this - let's look at a
Titus 2:11-15 (emp. on 13) - read
I Cor. 1:4-7 - read
point is - these passages talk about believers expecting
Christ at any moment. There is no hint here (or
anywhere else) that some additional events (like the
tribulation) must take place before Christ can return
to receive His church
- there are a number of other references that would teach
- I Cor. 15:51-52 - Phil. 3:20
- I Thess. 1:9-10 - I Thess. 4:13-17
- I Thes. 5:1-9 - James 5:7-8
- so the Scripture teaches the doctrine of imminency, which
means that there are no future events mentioned in
Scripture that must take place before Christ can return
- that means that the rapture must precede the tribulation
and that its the next event on the prophetic calendar
- I think the next reasonable question is, So what? (not
asking that in a sarcastic way or an irreverent way, but
certainly the Lord revealed these truths so that they would
have some impact on our lives today)- the prominent answer
to that question from Scripture is,
"Be Prepared"
- since Jesus is coming back, we better be prepared
- Of course the logical question from that is,
(prepared) how?, in what ways?
- The Bible is loaded with ways that the believer should be
prepared for the imminent return of Christ
- First one is found in James 5:7-8 (Read)
I. Be Patient
A. Definition
- patience is a word that we've all heard before, but
if a 6-7 year old child came and asked you what
patience was, how would you answer?
- literally - macrothumos
thumos - anger. passion, rage
macro - longer or larger than normal
"holding sinful anger off for a long time
- cf. parable in Matt. 18
- king took account of his servants, found that
one owed him 10,000 talents. Do you remember
what the servant said when the master
confronted him? (Have patience w/me)
- thats what patience is--holding sinful anger
off for a long time if necessary - telling
ourselves, wait!--Don;t act sinfully now!
B. Areas in which believers particularly struggle
1. circumstances - how far back would you have to
think in order to remember a time when you were
angry with the circumstances? (most of us
wouldn't have to think back very far)
2. sinfulness of others
3. faults/weaknesses of spouse
4. growth/development of children
5. salvation of lost relatives
6. own growth
- from time to time we have folks say--I want to become
more like Christ--what are some specific things I can
be working on to be more like Him?
- Did you realize that this is one of them?
- I Tim. 1:12-16 (long-suffering-v.16-makrothumew)
Point - scripture would say that believing in the rapture
ought to motivate us to work on patience.
C. Why the imminency of the rapture should motivate us
in this area:
1. Why get upset over __________ when if Christ
returned today, I wouldn't have it anyway?
2. I wouldn't want Christ to return and find me
doing _____________________.
3. The reward will come.
- this is where the analogy of the farmer breaks
down. Farmers are patient, but their patience
isn't always rewarded with fruit.
- but for the believer, after Christ comes, the
rewards will be given out, the patience of the
believer will be rewarded.
- Shephards - "It will be worth it all"
II. Be Pure - I John 3:2,3
A. Definition
- pure, innocent,evaluating, cleaning
B. Other scriptures
This same thought is repeated in many scripture
- Titus 2:11-15 (read)
- Cf. Col. 3:4-15
C. Point - people who believe that Jesus could return at
any minute are busy purifying themselves
- Have you ever been caught in a situation where you
were called on to do something where you weren't
- Greek class - had to prepare translations for
class each day
- several men called on to present translation
orally - graded on your presentation
- prepared pretty well first couple of days -
till I realized that he had started from the
top of the alphabet - you go through a letters
before you come to "V"
- I rationalized - I've got a lot of time
- till the day he came to class & said something
like "let's do something different today and
start from the back of the alphabet"
- I learned that you get to "V" a lot faster
going that way
- Probably all of us could tell a story like that,
many of them probably didn't cause too much damage
- But this issue is serious--The Titus passage said
that Jesus died so that He might redeem us (buy us
back) from iniquity and purify unto Himself a
people of His own, zealous of good works
- He did His part and now He expects us to do ours
- Illus - Christian School - bills not being handed out
- individuals who believe the rapture could come at
any moment are busy purifying themselves
- Can I ask you-Has your growth in 1989 been
indicative of your belief that Jesus could return
at any time
- we're not talking about perfection, we're not
talking about arriving - but we are talking about
growing and frankly, a number of folks say they
believe in the rapture but there's very little
evidence of that belief - (exercise self unto
- I wonder if Jesus returned today, how many of us
would have to admit--My rate of growth doesn't
demonstrate a strong belief in the imminent rapture
- I was banking on having more time
- I was betting you wouldn't come back yet
- I was prepared
III. Be Productive
A. Passages
Matt. 24:45, 46 - (Read)
I Cor. 15:58
B. Point - individuals who believe Jesus could return at
any time are faithfully abounding in His
- have you ever thought about what you'd like to be
doing when the Lord returned?
- I'd like to either be serving the Lord or playing
basketball (explain)
- wouldn't it be great if when Jesus returned, he
could say to you or I, you were faithfully serving
Me in the ways I wanted, you have been productive
in the Lord's service
- I wonder how many folks at Faith Baptist Church
would hear those words?
- Kris and I were just talking in the car about what
a privilege it is to serve in a church where there
are so many folks who are productive and get much
done for the Lord with their time.
- in many ways, this was a productive year for our
- we saw good growth in our services
- we saw a number of new folks brought into the
church, and a lot of people had to be working and
serving to get that accomplished
- we were able to complete the new room for reaching
others (develop how nice it is to be in a new room)
- so this was a productive year in many ways
- but can I tell you some ways it wasn't too awful
- This wasn't an overly productive year in terms of
seeing people saved and seeing people baptized
- Now we don't want to get into the ditch where we
have faith promise soul-winning -- where we
mystically come up with a number and then tell God
how many people we're going to lead to Christ this
- But I think most of us would say that, if my
evangelistic productivity is a reflection of the
depth of my belief in the rapture, then that belief
needs to get stronger
- because Jesus could come at any time, be patient,
be pure, be productive
IV. Be Provoking In Love
Read Heb. 10:24-25
INPUT - where is the reference to end-time events
provoking in love means to be used in someone's life to
encourage them in godliness
one of the reasons God ordained the church was so that we
could have that kind of ministry with one another
the passage gives two ways in which you can have that
kind of a ministry, one is negative and the other
INPUT - what's the first one which is stated negatively?
A. by attending church
INPUT - what does church attendance have to do with
provoking one another in love?
(it does matter - having a good group here tonight
does make a difference - you have impacted those
around you positively just by your presence)
INPUT - why does the writer tie this concept in with
the rapture? What does church attendance
have to do with the rapture?
1) as the end times intensify, I need the
Word of God more than ever
2) if nothing else, my neighbors need to know
that, he went to church
- have you ever thought about what its
going to be like after the rapture for
those who are left because they hadn't
trusted Christ as Savior?
- ideally those around us should have
heard a verbal witness, but at least
when they start scampering around trying
to find answers, they'll know--wait--so
& so was always going over to that
church to study the Bible - I'll
investigate the Bible
- For some folks, their attendance
patterns are so erratic that the unsaved
neighbor wouldn't have a ghost of an
idea of where the answers came from
- "Well, I know they used to go to
the mall a lot on Sundays"
- he used to do a lot of fishing on
the weekends
- he spent most of his time at work
- they never missed sixty minutes -
maybe thats where they got their
3) if the Lord came back during a church
service, the last place I'd want to be is
skipping church
- can you imagine it - the Lord comes
back on a Sunday morning, now you're
in heaven - everybody's standing
there in their church clothes, very
conservatively dressed
- a couple of people have hymnals in
their hands
- there you are - on the one day you
decided to skip church and go
golfing, in your bright red pants
and golf spikes!
POINT - because the day is approaching, be
provoking one another spiritually by
attending church
B. by confronting
read vs. 25 again
there are many churches who say they believe in the
rapture but allow sin to go on openly without ever
loving that person enough to speak to them about
their sin.