Proverbs 1:20-33 - Heeding Wisdom's Call pt III

Dr. Steve Viars November 3, 2001 Proverbs 1:20-33

[Note to teachers – we have had several good questions / discussions that have slowed the pace of our class. In this lesson, we are working on Proverbs 1:20-33]


- we’re working through the book of Proverbs chapter 1.
- I appreciated your questions/input/discussion last week…I think that says something about the practicality of this book.
- This morning we’d like to work on verses 20-33 of chapter 1, verses that contain very important information for each one of us.
- the outline we’ve developed thus far looks like this:

I. The Voice of Instruction [vv. 8-10, 15-19]
A. The parent’s teaching – vv 8-10
B. The parent’s challenge – vv 15-17
1. Choose your friends wisely.
2. Don’t play with temptation.
C. The parent’s warning – vv 18-19
II. The Voice of Temptation – vv. 11-14
A. Join us as we take advantage of the weak.
B. We will profit materially from these pursuits.
C. We will share with you.
- now we’d like to talk about….

III. The Voice of Salvation – vv 20-33

A. How does wisdom speak? – 20-21

- INPUT – What verbs do we see in verses 20-21, and what does that tell us about wisdom and God’s desire for us to know it?
- shouts, lifts her voice, cries out, utters her sayings…
- point is, wisdom is crying out in clear tones, wisdom is calling out for people to listen.
- as we’ve been saying the last couple of weeks, we need to ask ourselves, and our children…what voices have your allegiance?
- we can also praise God that He makes wisdom available for those who choose to listen.

B. Where does wisdom speak? – 20-21

- v. 20 – in the crowded streets, the marketplace, public places
- INPUT – What is the implication here for evangelism?
- Wiersbe – “The message of God’s truth is made for the marketplace, not the ivory tower.”
- discuss the issue of not being ashamed of the gospel, not being afraid to bring God’s truth to bear in public discussions…cf. Colson’s book – How Now Should We Live?

[Marty – please take letter C]

C. To whom does wisdom speak? - 22

1. the simple

- people who believe anything but examine nothing [cf. 14:15]

2. the scorners

- think they know everything and laugh at what is important

3. fools

- people who are ignorant of truth because they are dull and stubborn

INPUT – How can this information be helpful to us?
INPUT – What questions should we ask ourselves?

D. What does wisdom say?

1. the rebuke – 22

- INPUT – What is being said about the simple, the scoffers, and the fools in this verse?
- INPUT – Could this ever be true of someone at our church, and if so, what would it look like?

2. the invitation – 23

- INPUT – What is your response to this verse? How does it balance what we’ve already read?
- [address the issue of God’s grace, mercy, longsuffering --- could think through different Bible characters where God especially displayed these characteristics]

3. the warning – 24-32

a. description of those being warned – 24-25

- INPUT – how are those who won’t accept God’s wisdom described in verses 24-25?
- I called and you refused
- I stretched out my hand and you didn’t pay attention
- you neglected my counsel
- you did not want my reproof

b. content of the warning – 26-32

- these verses are chilling in their frankness.

1) those who reject and mock wisdom will be mocked and rejected.

- we don’t like the sound of these verses, but they are the truth.
- our aversion is possibly due to a lack of understanding/appreciation of God’s holiness…coupled with an underestimation of the heinousness of the sin of rejecting wisdom.

2) it is possible to reach the condition of being past repentance.

- cf. James MacDonald’s book – I Really Want to Change pp. 89-91
- Psalm 95:7-8
- Hebrews 12:14-17

- the point is --- repentance only occurs when God is choosing to work in someone’s heart and life.
- a person should not assume that God is somehow obligated to work in their life [i.e. convict them] in the same way///at the same rate all through their life.

3) they will reap what they sow

- v. 31 – they shall eat of the fruit of their own way
- they shall be satiated with their own devices

- v. 32 – their waywardness shall kill them…

Conclusion – the hope – v. 33

Adult Bible Fellowship
Heeding Wisdom’s Call
Proverbs Series #7

Wiersbe – “The first nine chapters present two women–wisdom and folly personified–as they seek to win the attention and obedience of people in the city streets and quares”
I. The Voice of Instruction [1:8-10, 15-19]
A. The parent’s teaching – vv. 8-10
B. The parent’s challenge – vv. 15-17
1. Choose your friends wisely.
2. Don’t play with temptation.
Wiersbe – “Birds don’t take bait when they can plainly see the trap, and people ought to be smarter than birds.”
C. The parent’s warning – vv. 18-19
II. The Voice of Temptation [vv. 11-14]
A. Join us as we take advantage of the weak.
B. We will profit materially from these pursuits.
C. We will share with you.

III. The Voice of _____________________ [vv. 20-33]
A. ___________ does wisdom speak? – vv. 20, 21

B. ___________ does wisdom speak? – vv. 20, 21
Wiersbe – “The message of God’s truth is made for the marketplace, not the ivory tower.”

C. To ___________ does wisdom speak? – v. 22
1. The _____________

2. The _____________

3. ___________

D. What does wisdom _________?
1. The _________________

2. The _________________

3. The _________________
a. __________________ of those being warned – vv. 24, 25

b. __________________ of the warning – vv. 26-32

1) Those who reject and mock wisdom will be _______________and ____________________.

2) It is possible to reach the condition of being __________ repentance.

3) They will __________ what they sow

Conclusion – The ___________ – v. 33

Adult Bible Fellowship
Heeding Wisdom’s Call
Proverbs Series #7
Wiersbe – “The first nine chapters present two women–wisdom and folly personified–as they seek to win the attention and obedience of people in the city streets and squares”
I. The Voice of Instruction [1:8-10, 15-19]
A. The parent’s teaching – vv. 8-10
B. The parent’s challenge – vv. 15-17
1. Choose your friends wisely.
2. Don’t play with temptation.
Wiersbe – “Birds don’t take bait when they can plainly see the trap, and people ought to be smarter than birds.”
C. The parent’s warning – vv. 18-19
II. The Voice of Temptation [vv. 11-14]
A. Join us as we take advantage of the weak.
B. We will profit materially from these pursuits.
C. We will share with you.

III. The Voice of Salvation [vv. 20-33]
A. How does wisdom speak? – vv. 20, 21
B. Where does wisdom speak? – vv. 20, 21
Wiersbe – “The message of God’s truth is made for the marketplace, not the ivory tower.”
C. To whom does wisdom speak?
1. The simple
2. The scorners
3. Fools
D. What does wisdom say?
1. The rebuke
2. The invitation
a. Description of those being warned – vv. 24, 25
b. Content of the warning – vv. 26-32
1) Those who reject and mock wisdom will be mocked and rejected.
2) It is possible to reach the condition of being past repentance.

3) They will reap what they sow.

Conclusion – The hope – v. 33

Dr. Steve Viars


Senior Pastor - Faith Church

Director - Faith Legacy Foundation


B.S.: Pre-Seminary & Bible, Baptist Bible College (Now Clarks Summit University)
M.Div.: Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min.: Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary

Dr. Steve Viars has served at Faith Church in Lafayette, IN since 1987. Pastor Viars leads and equips Faith Church as Senior Pastor with a focus on preaching and teaching God’s Word and using his organizational skills in guiding the implementation of the Faith Church mission and vision. He oversees the staff, deacons, and all Faith Church ministries. Dr. Viars serves on the boards of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Vision of Hope, and the Faith Community Development Corporation. Steve is the author, co-author, or contributor to six books and numerous booklets. He and his wife, Kris, were married in 1982 and have two married daughters, a son, and five grandchildren.

Read Steve Viars’ Journey to Faith for the full account of how the Lord led Pastor Viars to Faith Church.

View Pastor Viars' Salvation Testimony Video