Proverbs 21:24 - The Scorner
I. Definition of a Scorner
- Proverbs 21:24
Wiersbe - Scorners think they know everything, and anybody who tries to teach them is only wasting time. “Proud and haughty scorner [scoffer] is his name” (21:24). Scorners can’t find wisdom even if they seek for it (14:6), because learning God’s truth demands a humble mind and an obedient will. What scorners lack in knowledge they make up for in arrogance. Instead of sensibly discussing a matter with those who could teach them, they only sneer at truth and deny it. My Hebrew lexicons describe them as “frivolous and impudent.” Having no intellectual or spiritual ammunition, the scorner depends on ridicule and contempt to fight his enemies.
- One of the areas that God emphasizes most regarding the scorner is…
II. How Scorners Receive Counsel
Neighbor Nudge - In small groups, look up the following verses and note what they say about the scorner and his response to instruction:
1. Proverbs 9:7-8
2. Proverbs 13:1
3. Proverbs 15:12
INPUT - What principles can we derive from these verses?
III. How Scorners Impact Others
- Read Proverbs 22:10, 29:8
- INPUT - How might a scorner impact a classroom, a church, a city?
[if time, go back to Proverbs 6 since you were not able to finish this list before. Brainstorm how the issue of being a scorner could impact the issue of "sowing discord among the brethren"]
Adult Bible Fellowship
The Scorner
Proverbs Series #33
I. Definition
Wiersbe - Scorners think they know everything, and anybody who tries to teach them is only wasting time. “Proud and haughty scorner [scoffer] is his name” (21:24). Scorners can’t find wisdom even if they seek for it (14:6), because learning God’s truth demands a humble mind and an obedient will. What scorners lack in knowledge they make up for in arrogance. Instead of sensibly discussing a matter with those who could teach them, they only sneer at truth and deny it. My Hebrew lexicons describe them as “frivolous and impudent.” Having no intellectual or spiritual ammunition, the scorner depends on ridicule and contempt to fight his enemies.
II. How Scorners Receive _____________
1. Proverbs 9:7-8
2. Proverbs 13:1
3. Proverbs 15:12
INPUT - What principles can we derive from these verses?
III. How Scorners ___________ Others
INPUT - How might a scorner impact a classroom, a church, a city?