Proverbs 6:12-19 - The Wicked Man pt I
- READ Proverbs 6:12-19
- we'd like to divide this material under the headings of the nature of the wicked man, the body of the wicked man, and the characteristics of the wicked man.
I. The Nature of the Wicked Man
- From the Hebrew word belial - [beli-without / yaal-profit]
- that is why the words wicked and worthless are used together in Scripture.
- the idea is that wicked thoughts, words, and deeds do not produce any profitable.
- of course the lie of the world is that such behaviors will be greatly profitable---God's view is, it is belial, without profit.
II. The Body of the Wicked Man
INPUT - What point is Solomon trying to make in verses 12b-13?
A. Every part of his body is devoted to wickedness.
- his mouth is wicked, his feet are wicked, his eyes are wicked, even the way he points his fingers.
- God has entrusted him with a body, and this man has taken this gift and given it over to sinful uses.
- cf. Paul in Romans 7 --- who will deliver me from the body of this death? [physical body habituated to sin].
- INPUT - Ways this idea is illustrated in wickedness today?
B. He uses his body this way because of his wicked heart.
- cf. verse 14, [also Mark 7:14-23]
INPUT - How do people "devise evil continually" in their hearts today?
- after this description, Solomon gives the famous list of seven things the Lord hates.
III. The Characteristics of the Wicked Man
- ultimately we are known by our deeds, and the deeds of this man [not surprisingly] are wicked and worthless as well.
A. Pride
INPUT - Does it surprise you that pride would be on the top of this list? Why or why not? How does it relate to the concept of worthlessness?
[develop if time allows - Satan - Isa. 14:12-14]
- cf. also Proverbs 8:13 - The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate
B. A lying tongue
Wiersbe - God sees a lie, not as an act of speech but as a deadly force that goes to work in society and divides and destroys. When we lie, we open the door for Satan to work, for he is a liar (John 8:44); when we speak truth, we give opportunity for the Spirit to work (Eph. 4:14–25). There is a place reserved in hell for liars (Rev. 21:8, 27; see 2 Thes. 2:10).
INPUT - Does it surprise you that truthtelling would make this list? What might that tell us about how much value we place on this topic?
C. Murder
INPUT - Is there a difference between murder and killing? How do passages like Genesis 6:5-6 and Romans 13:1-7 fit into this discussion?
INPUT - Is there any implication of this to our church's involvement in the abortion debate? Should we be involved? More involved? Why or why not?
D. A heart that devises wicked schemes.
- this is exactly what we saw back in verse 14.
- it is interesting that this issue is so significant that it is actually mentioned twice in this section.
E. Feet that are swift in running to evil.
[could review different things the Bible says about feet - cf. Wiersbe p. 69]
INPUT - What is the opposite of this characteristic?
- [develop the issue of being careful - cf. Romans 14:23]
F. A false witness who speaks lies.
- INPUT - How is this different than a lying tongue?
- [there is obvious overlap --- but the idea of being a "false witness" has the air of some kind of official declaration --- a court case, a wedding vow, a deposition]
- society rises and falls on the willingness of the citizens to tell the truth -- which is why it ought to be disturbing that the percentage of college students willing to cheat continues to rise.
G. Sows discord among the brethren.
Psalm 133:1 - Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!
Adult Bible Fellowship
The Wicked Man #1
Proverbs Series #29
I. The ____________ of the Wicked Man
From the Hebrew word belial - [beli-without / yaal-profit]
II. The __________ of the Wicked Man
INPUT - What point is Solomon trying to make in verses 12b-13?
A. Every part of his body is _______________ to wickedness.
INPUT - Ways this idea is illustrated in wickedness today?
B. He uses his body this way because of his wicked ___________.
INPUT - How do people "devise evil continually" in their hearts today?
III. The ___________________ of the Wicked Man
A. __________
INPUT - Does it surprise you that pride would be on the top of this list? Why or why not? How does it relate to the concept of worthlessness?
B. A ___________ ____________
Wiersbe - God sees a lie, not as an act of speech but as a deadly force that goes to work in society and divides and destroys. When we lie, we open the door for Satan to work, for he is a liar (John 8:44); when we speak truth, we give opportunity for the Spirit to work (Eph. 4:14–25). There is a place reserved in hell for liars (Rev. 21:8, 27; see 2 Thes. 2:10).
INPUT - Does it surprise you that truth telling would make this list? What might that tell us about how much value we place on this topic?
C. _____________
INPUT - Is there a difference between murder and killing? How do passages like Genesis 6:5-6 and Romans 13:1-7 fit into this discussion?
INPUT - Is there any implication of this to our church's involvement in the abortion debate? Should we be involved? More involved? Why or why not?
D. A __________ that _____________ wicked schemes.
E. _________ that are swift in running to evil.
INPUT - What is the opposite of this characteristic?
F. A false witness who ___________ lies.
INPUT - How is this different than a lying tongue?
G. Sows _____________ among the brethren.
Psalm 133:1 - Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!