Psalms 73

September 11, 1993 Psalms 73:

Psalm 73:

- now you can tell, just from the reading of this Psalm, that
the writer is struggling with the thoughts, "it's not
- let's think for a moment or two how that phrase might creep
into our lives:

- INPUT - where (from whom) are we most likely to hear the
phrase "it's not fair." (from children)

- but isn't this true--that same phrase can run through
your heart or mine.
- Asaph, the writer, is struggling with why people who
don't believe in God seem to have it easy(why they
prosper), and believers have it so hard.
- in his mind, that ought to be reversed.
- as a result, he has become an envious person.

- Agree/Disagree - envy is a "ripe temptation" for believers
in the 90's. (absolutely)
- INPUT - what are some things a believer might be tempted to
be envious of, even of a person who's not a believer?

- the point we want to make here is that envy is something we
all can wrestle with. That was true in Bible days,
because there are other Psalms that address this same
issue, of why the wicked prosper:
- 37 - written by David
- 49 - anonymous

- INPUT - Why are "envy" and "growing in Christ" incompatible
(or how will sinning in this way prevent us from growing?)

- let's see what this Psalm has for us concerning handling
this area of sinfulness:
- you've heard me already mention the name Asaph, the writer
of this Psalm.

- his life is a very interesting study in and of itself,
and if you'd like to do more study I can suggest some
things to read.
- for our purposes this morning, we need to know that:

1) One of the three chief musicians appointed by David to
preside over the choral facet of Israel's worship (I
Chron. 16:5)
2) Chosen to lead the music when David brought the ark of
the covenant to Jerusalem (I Chron. 15:16-19).
3) His sons were given the leadership of the 24 courses
of musicians in Solomon's temple (I Chron. 25:11-31).
4) His name went "down in sacred music history" in that
the "sons of Asaph" were a "musical guild" that is
mentioned at many times in Israel's later history.

- in short, Asaph was the "Pastor Lopez" of ancient Israel.
- because he was a godly man, he wrote Psalms that were
included in the nation's worship, and subsequently, in
the word of God.

- we're going to skip over verse one at this point.
- often in the Psalms, the first verse is actually a summary
of all that he's learned – that’s surely true here.
- after verse one, Asaph begins this Psalm by clearly stating
the problem.

I. The Problem

- he tells us how the problem affected him in verse 2, and
then what the problem was in verse 3.

A. What it did - v. 2

- INPUT - what effect did this problem have on him
according to verse 2?
(feet almost gone, steps had slipped)

- he's using a double figure of speech
- the first one pictures a person's who bowed
down under the weight of his own thinking
- the second one has to do with his feet
straying from the path.
- point is - he's in trouble -- he's got
significant questions and he's looking for

B. What it was - v. 3

- Asaph doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to
what the problem was.
- INPUT - how does he describe it in verse 3?
(I was envious of the foolish/wicked when I saw
their prosperity)

- now I think we need to pause here a moment and talk about
the whole matter of "questions concerning the way the Lord
does things."

- there are definitely two ditches we have to avoid on
this subject. Let's see if we can articulate them
- ditch #1 - "Person who suppresses questions about the Lord"

- this is the person who has legitimate questions about
his/her faith but has concluded "good people never ask
those questions to anyone at anytime. Just be quiet
and believe"
- this would be very similar to the child in a school
classroom who has a question about math but, because of
of fear, pride, etc., does not ask it. As a result,
they don't understand math as well as they could and
they are hindered when it comes to higher level math.
- if we are "suppress all questions" kind of people, we
won't be led to get into the word to find answers, and
our faith won't be stretched or nurtured.

- ditch #2 - "Person who asks questions about the Lord
- INPUT - characteristics of this approach?

1) has set him/herself up as a judge over God (cf.
Romans 1)
2) has forgotten that’s God's ways are not our ways
(cf. Isa. 55:8-9)
3) does not come with a learners attitude. There's a
big difference between, "Lord, you shouldn't ...."
and "Lord, I don't understand why you...--how is
my thinking wrong/incomplete and where can i go in
your Word to learn about that more fully?"
4) Asks questions at the wrong time or in from of the
wrong people - cf. v. 15)

- point is - just because Asaph asked these questions, and
just because they are recorded in the Bible--doesn't
make them right.
- in fact, he admits later to the foolishness of some of
his thinking.

- so, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with having
questions about the Lord, but the way a person goes about
getting those questions answered can surely be wrong.

- we don't want to be "question suppressors" like the child
in math class -- but nor do we want to be "arrogant
questioners" who have set ourselves up as the judges of
the God of heaven.

- now I'd like us to move through these next verses as
rapidly as possible.
- Asaph gives us some of the causes of envy in verses 4-5.

II. Causes of Envy

A. Prosperity of the wicked - v. 4-5

INPUT - what are some ways Asaph describes their

v. 4a - no pains in death
4b - physical needs met abundantly
5 - seemingly free from troubles of life

- now, what we're seeing here can give us very important
insight into the sin of envy.

- as you look at what Asaph is saying here, what words or
phrases come to your mind to describe what he's
thinking (off-base, skewed, out-of-balance///it's true
that there's not a direct cause/effect between
righteousness/ease of life or wickedness/trouble of
- it's not true that every unbelievers has an easy
death, etc.

- here's what we need to learn about the sin of envy.
- It is very BLIND, and very SELECTIVE.

- Asaph has undoubtedly observed SOME (in reality, perhaps
only a few) wicked people who don't seem to be getting
all the bad he thinks they deserve in life--and he has
concluded that all unbelievers have lives of ease.
- thats simply not true.

- But that’s exactly how envy works.
- for example - the person who is envious of someone's
current income.
- but they don't factor in:
- all the sacrifice that person made to get to
that place.
- all the education and//or experience to get to
that place.
- they're not envious of all those former years of
studying late into the night, working like a dog
to stay ahead of the next tuition bill//working
long hours to build the business
- the things it takes to keep things going now
(and we could go on and on)

- see, you'll never find a person who envies "the whole
- envy is selective, and blind--it makes us think
things that are untrue
- in other words, we're lying to ourselves
when we're envious.

- now, we're going to move through these next verses rapidly
as well:

B. The pride of the wicked - 6-12

- what are some examples you see from these verses that
talk about the wicked’s pride (things that infuriate
Asaph-"how could you let them get away with this,

6a - wears pride around neck
6b - violence flaunted as a garment
7a - eyes bulge with fatness (everything about their
appearance is full and prosperous)
7b - have more than heart could wish
8 - brag about lifestyle
9 - scoff at God
10 - even tempt God's people
11 - blasphemous - say God doesn't know what they're doing
12 - summary - at ease//increased with wealth

- point of all of this is - Asaph was intensely
envious//jealous of the fact that the wicked were getting
away with their sin--in fact, they were prospering in it.

- Jealousy can take 2 forms:
1) I wish I had what they had.
2) I wish they didn't have what they have.

- Asaph was guilty of both.
- let me ask you this morning - Is Asaph the only
believer who has struggled with this?
- are you a jealous person?
- are you jealous of unbelievers? other believers?

- the Scripture speaks strongly about the effects of

- Prov. 27:4 - "wrath is fierce and anger is a flood, but
who can stand before jealousy?"

- James 3:14-16 - "...this wisdom is not that which comes
down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. For
where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is
disorder and every evil thing."

- now, Asaph gets down to some of the bottoms lines.
summaries of his wrong/foolish thinking in the next verses:

III. The Confusion Caused By Envy

A. Confusion about living - 13-14

- INPUT - how would you summarize these verses?
(my internal purification, and external
purification have been a waste
- cf. John White - I've been barking up the
wrong spiritual tree)

B. Confusion about talking - v. 15

- as we mentioned above, Asaph has the presence of
mind not to discuss these matters "with just
anybody" until he's found some biblical answers"
(cf. discussion of 2 ditches above)

C. Confusion about knowing - v. 16

"when I thought to know this, it was too painful for

- this is how Asaph got to the condition described in
verses 2-3.

- Phillips - "At this point the Psalmist wrings his
hands. The problem he has so clearly stated and so
carefully studied overwhelms him. To the
intellect there seems no way out. The godly
suffer. The wicked triumph. If God be God, if He
be both good and omnipotent, how can it be?"
- now, thank the Lord, the Psalm doesn't end here.
- in the rest of the verses, Asaph gives us the cures for
envy, and explains how he could get to the place where he
could say what he did back in verse 1.

IV. The Cures For Envy

A. A return to the house of God - v. 17

- Asaph couldn't be talking about the temple at this
point, because it hadn't been built.
- "house of God: here is probably being used in a
very broad sense to describe the place(s) he
would go and the people he would go to in order
to find answers from the Word of God.

- of course today we would be talking about the
church, the Word, pastors, trusted Christian

INPUT - what would a person gain from "returning to the house
of God" that would help in answer these questions
and any question about life/spiritual things?

B. A reconsideration of man's future - 17-20

- this is a very important key.
- "then I understood their end"

- going to the house of God gives perspective.
- anytime you or I are envious of the wicked, we're not
thinking "long range" enough. (Develop)

C. A repentant heart - 21-22

- "I was like a beast before thee"
- INPUT - what's the point? (animals are only concerned
with the immediate)

D. A review of personal blessings - 23-26

- the importance of thankfulness as a "hedge" against