
May 28, 2005 Luke 9:18-27

1. We’re continuing our new series that dove tails with the Worship Service theme of Embracing the Adventure of a Growing Family
2. We’ve titled this new series: Complete Makeovers: Case Studies of Embracing the Adventure of a Growing Family – the plan of attack is something like this:
1) To review (or prepare ourselves – depending on which ABF you attend) the worship service message
2) To read a Case Study that communicates those biblical concepts (positively or negatively)
3) Work through specific applications of those truths to that specific life-situation – [we can do this in small groups or as a class – probably a little of both]
4) Bring other passages of scripture (truth about God, man, etc.) that will further help us to be ‘doers of the Word and not hearers only’
3. Today: The Complete Makeover deals with Remember the Sacrifice
- Let’s do a bit of REVIEW and/or PREPARATION:
[Review the Sermon Notes for the Worship Service – major points]
[READ Luke 9:18-27]
1. When you hear the word sacrifice – what comes to your mind?
‘sacrifice’ = :
 the destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
 to offer as a sacrifice
 to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end
2. The ‘something else’ or the ‘end’ (greater purpose, cause) is this: The glory of God!
• Philippians 2:10 . . . so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11. And that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
*There are three key decisions a person has to make in an effort to remember the sacrifice
1. You Have to Deny Yourself – v. 23
A. Jesus modeled this choice of self-denial – v. 22
- don’t think that Jesus was asking the disciples – or asking you – to do something He wasn’t willing to do
- God the Father didn’t drag His Son to the cross (kicking/screaming/arguing . . .) – He did it willingly because He denied Himself – He did it to glorify God
B. Jesus command this choice of self-denial – v. 23
- it’s not an option or negotiable !
deny = means to disown, renounce; or to refuse
- it literally means to have a total disregard for one’s own opinions/interest
Point: The Christian life is NOT about you – it’s about glorifying God!
> it’s not about what you want your FAMILY, CHURCH, etc. to look like – but what does GOD want and what are you willing to do to make that happen?
2. You Must Take up Your Cross Daily
- the idea of taking up a cross is that it’s an instrument of death – suffering – rejection
> it includes the responsibilities God has for YOU – it’s your cross!
- Jesus is clearly communicating the willingness of each disciple to fulfill this responsibility – to take his/her ‘cross’ and bear it for the glory of God!
“Take up his cross DAILY” – not sometimes, or just when I feel like it, or when other people make it easy
* Jesus is communicating something about discipleship: Responsibility and Consistency!
3. You Must Choose to Follow Christ
- the word for ‘follow’ can translated accompany or literally, ‘to be a disciple’
- note the progression: deny self – take up your cross daily – and follow Him
Bottom Line: Obedience & sacrifice constitute a true disciple – to follow Him – wherever that adventure takes you!
- Remember Paul’s words:
• Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
2. * If you really want to follow Christ, remember where He went:
1) Calvary – a place of sacrifice
2) Tomb – but He rose from the dead!
3) Right Hand of the Throne of God – we will end up in heaven with Him!
[Read Case Study #3 and Discuss]

Case Study #3: Sacrifice

Spike and Alice have been married 15 years and have 3 children whose ages are 13, 11 and 8. Spike has a good job as a supervisor in a local factory and provides for the family’s material needs in a good way.

When the first child was born, he required some extra time because of illness. Spike’s job has always been very demanding, and to make it successful, he has needed to spend more than the usual 40 hours a week at work. Thus, the extra care needed for the first child fell on Alice. This was required until after the second child was born. Spike would have his evening free when he would get home but was so tired he stated he could not help with the child or children. So all the housework and childcare fell upon Alice. Many times she would get only 4 hours of sleep at night.

The patterns started in those years have continued to the present. With the oldest child’s health fairly normal, the childcare is not demanding, so Alice has more time for her woman’s Bible study. She has become a leader in that study, and the women frequently express appreciation for her work. However this has taken so much of her time she is not taking care of the home as Spike desires. He complains she doesn’t make the kids put away their clothes, doesn’t clean the house very often, and the laundry piles up until somebody complains of being out of clean clothes. When Alice attempts to get the children to help, they simply ignore her and continue what they are doing. When she asks Spike to help her, he states he is so tired from work he needs to rest when he comes home. He states the tension on his job is very great. It is up to him to get the people he supervises to keep production up to the level desired by the management. The many squabbles among the employees hinder this productivity and keep him constantly under pressure. He bowls twice a week as a means of relaxation from the work tension.

1. What would you list as the major desires of each member of the family including the children?
- Spike is working hard to provide for the family.
He wants some rest and relaxation.
- Alice wants some help in the home.
She also wants encouragement from some one even if not from the home.
She wants her children to be responsible.
- The children want to do what they want to do.
They don’t want to help in the home.
2. In what ways have they each practiced some degree of self-denial?
Spike has worked hard for the family.
Alice has done much sacrifice in caring for the sick child in earlier years.
3. They would both say they have sacrificed a lot for their family. Why have those sacrifices not helped their relationship?
- Both are very likely looking at what the other does not do rather than seeing the sacrifices the other has done.
- There is not evidence they saw the sacrifice and being done to follow Christ.
It has been sort of a duty without any relationship to Him.
4. What are some potential future dangers if this family does not change in a God honoring way?
- Further fragmentation of the family with very little relationship among any of them.
- Spike getting less and less involved with the children and might even become abuse because they do not help keep the house clean.
- Alice might find a person who gives her much encouragement and seeks to spend more and more time with that person.
- More arguments in the family.
- The children are only too glad to leave home and when the get old enough my even use marriage as an escape.
5. Alice states that taking care of the house without Spike’s and the children’s help is the cross she must bear. How would you respond to that statement?
- The cross in Lk. 9:23 is not referring to tolerating/putting up w/ something or silent suffering
- The cross is an instrument of death and teaches she must daily be dying to her selfish desires.
- The real issue is her response to Spike and the children and the opportunities she has to grow in Christlikeness as a result of the sin and/or weaknesses of others
6. How would you use the truth presented in the Luke 9:18-27 passage to help each of them?
- Both need to understand the self-denial of Christ for their benefit is an example for their daily life and how they should respond to others
- His focus was not on Himself but the needs of the people to whom He was ministering.
- Both need to see their responsibility to serve God by ministering to each other rather than focusing on what they are not getting from each other.
7. What changes will each need to make that demonstrates they are very aware of the sacrifice Christ made for them in salvation?
- Spike needs to follow the example of Christ and responsibly and consistently minister to his wife by being involved in the house and home.
He needs to see the joy of serving God by helping Alice is more beneficial than the bowling.
He also needs to see his home as a great ministry opportunity that will far more than make up for the work struggles he is experiencing.
- Alice needs to also follow the example of Christ by finding her joy from knowing she has pleased God rather than seeking satisfaction from the approval of people.
More important than her leading women in a Bible study is her being a godly example in her home and seeing the discipleship potential with her own children.
8. How will Rom. 12:1,2 help both of them to make these changes?
Their goal is to use their body in a sacrificial way (self-denial) to serve God in the home.
They are thinking like the rest of the world and they need to make major changes and think like Christ.
Their thinking and goals need to change to demonstrate God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will for their family.
They need to daily think about glorifying God rather than feeling sorry for themselves because of the failures of each other.

ABF Series: Complete Makeovers
CASE STUDY #3: Sacrifice

- Case Studies of Embracing the Adventure of a Growing Family:
1) To review (or prepare ourselves) for the worship service message
2) To read a Case Study that communicates those biblical concepts (positively or negatively)
3) Work through specific applications of those truths to that specific life-situation –
4) Bring other passages of scripture (truth about God, man, etc.) that will further help us to be ‘doers of the Word and not hearers only’
* Remember the Sacrifice – Luke 9:18-27
1. When you hear the word sacrifice – what comes to your mind?
‘sacrifice’ = :
 the destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
 to offer as a sacrifice
 to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end
2. The ‘something else’ or the ‘end’ (greater purpose, cause) is this: The glory of God!
• Philippians 2:10 . . . so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11. And that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
*There are three key decisions a person has to make in an effort to remember the sacrifice
1. You Have to _________- Yourself – v. 23
A. Jesus __________ this choice of self-denial – v. 22
B. Jesus _____________ this choice of self-denial – v. 23
deny = means to disown, renounce; or to refuse
2. You Must Take up Your Cross Daily
“Take up his cross ___________”
* Jesus is communicating something about discipleship: ___________ and ______________!
3. You Must Choose to Follow Christ
Q: Who are you following this morning?
* If you really want to follow Christ, remember where He went:
1) ____________ – a place of sacrifice
2) ___________ – but He rose from the dead!
3) ________________________________ – we will end up in heaven with Him!

Case Study #3: Sacrifice

Spike and Alice have been married 15 years and have 3 children whose ages are 13, 11 and 8. Spike has a good job as a supervisor in a local factory and provides for the family’s material needs in a good way.

When the first child was born, he required some extra time because of illness. Spike’s job has always been very demanding, and to make it successful, he has needed to spend more than the usual 40 hours a week at work. Thus, the extra care needed for the first child fell on Alice. This was required until after the second child was born. Spike would have his evening free when he would get home but was so tired he stated he could not help with the child or children. So all the housework and childcare fell upon Alice. Many times she would get only 4 hours of sleep at night.

The patterns started in those years have continued to the present. With the oldest child’s health fairly normal, the childcare is not demanding, so Alice has more time for her woman’s Bible study. She has become a leader in that study, and the women frequently express appreciation for her work. However this has taken so much of her time she is not taking care of the home as Spike desires. He complains she doesn’t make the kids put away their clothes, doesn’t clean the house very often, and the laundry piles up until somebody complains of being out of clean clothes. When Alice attempts to get the children to help, they simply ignore her and continue what they are doing. When she asks Spike to help her, he states he is so tired from work he needs to rest when he comes home. He states the tension on his job is very great. It is up to him to get the people he supervises to keep production up to the level desired by the management. The many squabbles among the employees hinder this productivity and keep him constantly under pressure. He bowls twice a week as a means of relaxation from the work tension.

1. What would you list as the major desires of each member of the family including the children?

2. In what ways have they each practiced some degree of self-denial?

3. They would both say they have sacrificed a lot for their family. Why have those sacrifices not helped their relationship?

4. What are some potential future dangers if this family does not change in a God honoring way?

5. Alice states that taking care of the house without Spike’s and the children’s help is the cross she must bear. How would you respond to that statement?

6. How would you use the truth presented in the Luke 9:18-27 passage to help each of them?

7. What changes will each need to make that demonstrates they are very aware of the sacrifice Christ made for them in salvation?

8. How will Rom. 12:1,2 help both of them to make these changes?

ABF Series: Complete Makeovers
CASE STUDY #3: Sacrifice
- Case Studies:
1) To review (or prepare ourselves) for the worship service message
2) To read a Case Study that communicates those biblical concepts (positively or negatively)
3) Work through specific applications of those truths to that specific life-situation
4) Bring other passages of scripture (truth about God, man, etc.) that will further help us to be ‘doers of the Word and not hearers only’
Remember the Sacrifice – Luke 9:18-27
1. When you hear the word sacrifice – what comes to your mind?
‘sacrifice’ = :
 the destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else
 to offer as a sacrifice
 to suffer loss of, give up, renounce, injure, or destroy especially for an ideal, belief, or end
2. The ‘something else’ or the ‘end’ (greater purpose, cause) is this: The glory of God!
• Philippians 2:10 . . . so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11. And that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
*There are three key decisions:
1. You Have to Deny Yourself – v. 23
A. Jesus modeled this choice of self-denial – v. 22
B. Jesus command this choice of self-denial – v. 23
deny = means to disown, renounce; or to refuse

2. You Must Take up Your Cross Daily
“Take up his cross DAILY”
* Jesus is communicating something about discipleship: Responsibility and Consistency!
3. You Must Choose to Follow Christ
Q: Who are you following this morning?
• Romans 12:1-2
* If you really want to follow Christ, remember where He went:
1) Calvary – a place of sacrifice
2) Tomb – but He rose from the dead!
3) Right Hand of the Throne of God – we will end up in heaven with Him!