The Fall Of Religious Babylon
- tonight we want to look at some of the events at the end of
the tribulation
- we'll be in Rev. 17
- I'd like to take a moment and set the context of this
chapter chronologically
- if you remember back to one of our first messages on
Revelation, we looked at one of the possible ways of
outlining the book based on 1:19 (things which thou hast
see, the things which are, the things which shall be
- there's another way of dividing the book that may be
helpful for our purposes tonight
- you know that the book of Revelation is a series of visions
where Christ reveals himself and his plan to the apostle
- if you count the visions, you'll find that there are four
primary visions, and John begins each one by using the
phrase "in the spirit"
- what he means by that phrase is, here's what the spirit of
God revealed to me through supernatural means
- those four occasions are:
- 1:10 - I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day - vision
of Christ and His church
- 4:2 - Straightway I was in the spirit - vision of
Christ and His world
- 17:3 - and he carried me away in the spirit - vision of
Christ and His enemy
- 21:10 - and he carried me away in the spirit - vision
of Christ and his victory
- tonight's passage is the third great vision, where Christ
tells us some important things about what will during the
- from a chronological perspective, John has just about told
us everything that is going to happen before the second
coming of Christ and the Battle of Armageddon
- what's happening in these final chapters is that the angel
that God has directed to reveal these trues to John is
showing John some of the final things he needs to know
- as you read the verses, its as if the angel is saying,
before you go, you need to understand this
- before you write to the Revelation churches, you need to
understand this
- its best to place the things happening in these chapters in
the first half of the tribulation
- I think as we look at this passage it will become evident
why John needed to know these things, why the Revelation
churches needed to know them, and why you nd I need to know
- before we start reading these verses, we also need to talk
about one more introductory matter
- that is, John is going to be talking to us about Babylon
- we've titled chaps. 17-18 the fall of religious and
economic Babylon
-I doubt that that will hit us the way it would have hit his
original readers
- when John wrote to the original Revelation churches and
mentioned Babylon, his readers would have thought about two
1) historically
- remember, the first time the city of babel is
mentioned in the Bible is in Gen. 11 where the
people defied God and sought to build a city that
would reach up to the heavens, lest they be
- of course that was in direct rebellion against God
who had told them twice (once at creation and once
after the flood) to scatter themselves, be
fruitful, and multiply
- so Babel right from the beginning was associated
with rebellion, defiance, self-sufficiency, and
- of course also from a historical perspective, the
Jews also hated the Babylonians because the
babylonians had taken the Jews into captivity and
destroyed Jerusalem
- that self-sufficiency and pride was seen in kings
like Nebuchadnezzar, who Daniel says, looked around
at Babylon and said, "Is not this great Babylon,
which I have built for a royal dwelling place, by
the might of my power and for the glory of my
- so Babylon in the Scripture often represents that
anti-God philosophy characterized by rebellion,
defiance, self-sufficiency, and pride
- also we need to say this about Babylon, it often
refers to more than a geographical location
- like Wall Street - refers to a literal place but
refers to much more than that at the same time
- John's original hearers also would have thought about
2) geographically
- to a person in Bible days - Babylon was Rome
- cf. I Peter 5:13 - closed his letter with "she who
is in babylon sends you greetings"
- the book was written from Rome
- the significance of that point should become more
apparent later
- lets see what God reveals to John about this subject
- read 17:1-6
I. Religious Babylon
A. symbolized as a harlot
1. significance
when we talk about religious babylon, we're talking
about the apostate church which flourishes for a time
during the tribulation
- to be sure this is clear - we're not talking about
the true church - we're talking about unbelievers
who have some snese of religiosity
- they'll be called the church in that day - but they
won't be regenerate
- this chapter is going to make it clear that they
will have a worldwide religious organization going,
completely filled with unbelievers
- symbolizing this group as a harlot wouldn't be
unusual at all
- God had told Israel on a number of occasions that
they were behaving like harlots because they had
left him and gone after idols
- its also not surprising that God would symbolize
this group as a harlot since they are exactly
opposite of whom? (the church, the bride of
2. descriptions
a. sits on many waters
- read vs. 17 - waters are people who have
been deceived by this religious system
- the end of verse 2 expands that - she's
made the inhabitants drunk with her
- just like wine deceives a person and makes
him think he's invincible and all the rest,
many on earth have been deceived by the
ways of this harlot
b. sinful connections with the government
- not that the church should never have any
impact on government, but its clear that
the relationship with the harlot and the
government is fornicatious, in that they
are using each other to sinful ends
c. wearing costly array (so even though she was
a pictured as a harlot - wicked on the inside
-impressive on the outside - at least from
the perspective of how se dressed)
e. cup full of abominations, filtiness,
f. mother of harlots
- so this anti-God religious system is
reproducing itself
- now you might ask this question -where are all
these religious leaders going to come from?
- after all - the rapture has occurred - all the
believers are taken away
- where are all these religious people going to
come from who will make up this religious
- INPUT? (from all the poeple who would consider
themselves religious but have never trusted
Christ as Savior and Lord)
- you realize that there are many, many
groups that long ago denied:
- the deity of Christ
- the virgin birth of Christ
- the inspiration of the Scriptures,
- the reality of Christ's miracles
- thats what the fundamentalist/modernist
controversy was about 60 years ago
- frankly, there are some whole denominations that
won't be affected much at all by the rapture
- it will be business as usual for them
- everyone will be in their place the next Sunday
- I think we need to say this - not everyone who
calls Faith Baptist Church their home is going to
be raptured either
- only those who have truly trusted Christ as Lord
and Savior will be going
- so there will be all kinds of "religious" people
- its interesting that in many of those groups, the
big buzzword is ecumenism, and the ecumenical
- forget doctrinal differences, lets just love one
another - lets just co-operate and get along
- (we'll talk about that more later)
- so religious babylon is symbolized as a harlot
B. supported (borne along) by the beast and his
- its important to notice that this harlot is riding
a beast
1. identity of the beast
read 7-8
- its not hard to identify this beast
- INPUT - who is it? (the Antichrist)
- INPUT - what is the significance of the fact
that the harlot is riding the beast?
(the harlot and the Antichrist are working
together - they're in "co-hoots")
- they are using one another
2. identity of his confederacy
- you might remember the ten horns and the little
horn from the book of Daniel
- the ten horns are the rulers of a sort of
"United States of Europe" which unite uner the
- we won't take time to read verse 9-12, but they
describe the confederation in some detail
- I would like us to note verses 13-14 (read)
- INPUT - what do these verses tell us about the
confederacy? (united together against
Christ and against the believers)
- so we're talking about an established religious
system that actually is supported by the
Antichrist and is therefore againstChrist and
the true believers
- now, ironically, the same group that gives the
harlot power destroys her
- read verses 16-17
- we're not going to take time to look at in tonight, but let
me just point out that chapter 18 describes the fall of
economic babylon
- you might say - what does the economic system have to do
with it?
- answer is - in the end times - its all one big system
- you might say it this way - its a new age of a global
- the world's not getting smaller, its getting closer!
- the AntiChrist will actually have religion under his
control and the economy under his control
- I've given a brief outline of chapter 18 from Warren
Wiersbe if you'd like to do some special study on this
II. Economic Babylon - chapter 18
A. Voice of condemnation - 1-3
B. Voice of separation - 4-8
C. Voice of lamentation - 9-19
D. Voice of celebration - 20-21
III. Implications
A. Importance of "saved church members"
- I think one of the results of studying these verses
is seeing the importance of having church members
who are truly regenerate
- its frightening to think about an entire religious
system that is so spiritually bankrupt that they
would actually be in league with the AntiChrist
- we're not talking about a few doctrinal deviations,
we're talking about a group that would call
themselves religious yet actively and aggressively
war against Christ
- we need to think about how if the rapture took
place tonight, that group would be up and
functioning early in the tribulation
- in other words, if that were to happen, the
Antichrist could find plenty of people to use right
here and now
- when you think about it, thats a sad commentary on
the state of the "church"
- one of the distinctives that Baptists have
historically stood for is saved church members
- that means that historically, as long as Baptists
have been around, a church that was truly a Baptist
church required that an individual say that he was
saved before he could be allowed into the
membership of the church
- thats why we ask folks to give their testimony
before they are voted into the church
- I'm sure there are folks from time to time who
don't care for that practice - but I wouldn't be
for making it any easier to become a member of our
church, would you?
- of course that doesn't mean that the church can
truly determine whether the person is really saved,
but at least everyone knows that they have to say
they are saved before they would be allowed to be
- I think thats part of our heritage to be thankful
- you may not have been around churches that did it
any other way, but some of you have been at
churches where getting a membership was kind of
like joining the YMCA - you sign here, pay your
money and you're in
- if you've ever been in a situation like that, you
know that the church isn't much different than the
world, because the church is filled with
- its not surprising that a group of religious people
will be primed and ready when the Antichrist comes
- I think we need to say this about that as well
- part of the responsibility for this problem falls
on the shoulders of pastors - I'm thinking of
liberal pastors
- . . . who give people the impression that
everybody's going to heaven
- you go to a funeral, and you know the person who
died never had any time for God, never was in
church, never claimed to be saved and certainly had
no evidence of it - -
- yet by time the pastor got done with the
funeral, you thought you were at the funeral of
the apostle Paul
- not only did he have that guy preached into
heaven, but he had everyone in the room
preached into heaven as well
- I'm sure many folks in here have been in
that situation as well, and it makes you angry
- it also helps you to understand this passage a
little, because there are a lot of unsaved
religious people around
B. Have an "understanding of the times"
- God commended the children of Issacahar in I Chron.
12:32 because they had an understanding of the
times, and they knew what Israel ought to do
- I'm not trying to make some sort of eschatological
prediction, but when you look at the events around
us, you have to believe that conditions have never
been better for the return of Christ
- of course we believe that Christ could have
returned at any point in history, but at least in
my lifetime, conditions have never been better for
the return of Christ and a quick transition to the
way the Bible describes the tribulation conditions
- if these aren't the last day, things today are
certainly are like what the last days will be
- let me give you a couple of examples
- you probably know today that one of the great moves
in education is toward producing the "global
- Dr. Chester Pierce said to a group of 2000
- "Every child who enters school at the age of
five is mentally ill, because he comes to school with
allegience toward our elected officials, toward our
founding fathers, toward our institutions, toward
this form of government we have...patriotism,
nationalism, sovereignty. . . all this proves the
children are sick, because the truly well individual
is one who has rejected all those things and is what
I would call the true international child of the
- those kind of statements shouldn't surprise us
since the introduction to the 2nd humanist
manifesto stated:
"The ultimate goal should be the fulfillment of
the potential for growth in each human
personality-not for the favored few, but for all
mankind. Only a shared world and global measure
will suffice"
- we're not saying that every public school teacher
is a card carrying humanist
- but certainly the public policy of the NEA, along
with actions of administrators and especially those
in curriculum are pushing the "global child" idea
- what comes with that is:
- equal distribution of wealth
- democratic socialism
- lack of individualism
- the idea that nationalism is wrong
- you could hold whatever religious beliefs you
want, but you should never think yours are
better than anyone else's
- total support of the United Nations
- the fact that that's happening in many aspects of
education and society out to make us ask at least
two questions:
1) what's wrong with that?
2) what should our response be?
- 1) what's wrong with that?
- a lot of these things are very slippery to deal
with because their are aspects that are right
- there's nothing wrong with telling a college
student that he should pick up a foreign language
so that he can compete better in a foreign market
- but some educators have crossed way over that line
- we're not just talking about understanding more
about another country
- they would have us become just like other
- get rid of that notion that your beliefs,
standards, way of doing things are more
- get rid of this nationalism, this loyalty to
America and her ways of doing things
- instead, lets sit around and talk about what it
must have been like to be living in Hiroshema when
America dropped the atomic bomb instead of talking
about all the reasons that led up to it
- we will have to become more adept at understanding
the subtle nuances of this global mentality and how
we are going to keep our children from it
- where that will really affect us, I think, is the
issue of Christianity
- see, when the person says - you believe in the God
of the Bible but I believe in Buddha, and to get
along in this global community, you believe what
you want to and I'll believe what I want to--
- then we're going to have problems, because if the
belief that faith in Christ is the only way to God
is to going to hinder a move toward globalism, then
so be it
2) what should our response be
in addition to what we've already mentioned, we ought
to be more convinced than ever that, Christ's return
could happen at any day
- 20 years ago when pastors talked about one world
government and a united Europe and some of those
things, people would laugh
- but no ones laughing any more
- and if there was ever a time to believe that Jesus
is coming soon - this is it