Basic Truths: Assurance of Salvation - Why People Have Doubts #2
- we're in a new series entitled "Basic Bible Truths"
- there are certain concepts from the Word of God that
believer needs to know and we want to spend the next series
of weeks thinking about those truths and how they should be
helping us to change and grow
- (encourage faithfulness - invite others - great time to
invite guests)
- last week we started talking about "Assurance of salvation"
- the Bible makes it clear that:
- God wants you to be saved
- God wants you to know for sure that you're saved
- we said that a person needs to have assurance of salvation
in three ways:
- historically (develop)
- theologically
- experientially
- today we're going to look at some theological problems that
result in a person doubting their salvation
I. Confusion Over The Doctrine of Eternal Security
A. The basic question
- Can a saved person ever be lost?
- Issue is not:
1) Are all who profess to be saved really saved?
- James 2:14-20
2) Do all who perform Christian service really
- Jesus - Luke 7:21-23
3) Do Christians ever backslide?
- though God's plan and desire for believers
is ongoing change and growth, there are
clearly examples in Scripture where His
children committed sin and did not lose
their salvation.
- cf. David, Peter
- point - its important that we understand the
question before we examine what the Bible says.
We're asking- Can a saved person have revolked in
him all the work of God in salvation?
- answer to that question is "Absolutely not!". What
I'd like us to see as we go through this study is
that the doctrine of Eternal Security is not a one
or two verse doctrine. There is a watershed of
biblical evidence to show that once a person is
saved, he can never be lost.
- I'd like us to think about this question by sampling the
passages that discuss all that God does in salvation and
then ask: "Does God renege on all the promises He's made
and work He's done?"
(teachers - this outline is based on theology notes from
Chuck Smith - a former professor at Grace Seminary)
B. What the Scripture says about eternal security
1. reasons especially related to our Heavenly Father
a. his purpose
Rom. 8:28-31 - "If God be for us, who can be
against us?
Eph. 1:11-12 - According to the purpose of
Him who works all things according to the
counsel of his own will that we should be
to the praise of His glory...
I Cor. 1:8-9 - Who shall also confirm you
unto the end, blameless unto the day of
our Lord Jesus Christ...
- point - The Scriptures speak clearly about
God's purpose in salvation. A person who
believes that Christians lose their
salvation would have to also conclude
that God does not do what He said He
would do in the lives of the individuals
in question.
b. His power
Jude 24 - Now unto Him who is able to keep
you from falling and to present you
I Peter 1:3-5 - ...into an inheritance which
can never perish, spoil, or fade--kept in
heaven for you who through faith are being
shielded by God's power...
Phil. 1:6 - Being confident of this very
John 10:27-29 - one is able to seize
them out of my Father's hand...
c. His love
Rom. 8:35-39 - Who shall separate us from the
love of God...
Eph. 1:4-5 - In love having predestined us...
d. His relationship to the Son
John 17:10-11 - "Holy Father, keep through
thine own name those whom thou hast given me...
2. Reasons especially related to Jesus Christ
a. His death
Rom. 8:1 - Therefore, there is now no
condemnation for those who are in Jesus
- cf. also verse 34
Heb. 10:14 - For by one offering He hath
perfected forever those who are sanctified
b. His resurrection
Rom. 4:24-25 - ...He who was delivered for our
sins and was raised for our justification
c. His life
(if His death was able to save you, how much
more is His life able to keep you)
Rom. 5:8-10 - how much more, having been
reconciled, shall we be saved by His life?
I John 2:1 - If anyone sins, we have an
advocate with the Father
Heb. 7:25 - He is able to save to the
uttermost (forever) those who come to God
through Him, since He is always living to
intercede for them
d. His promises
John 5:24 - he who hears my word and believes
Him who sent me has eternal life and will
not come into judgement
3. Reasons especially related to the Holy Spirit
a. His sealing
Eph. 1:13, 4:30
b. His indwelling ministries
I Cor. 6:19-20
John 14:16 - ...that He may abide with you
4. other reasons
a. the believers regeneration
II Cor. 5:17
I Peter 1:23
b. the believer's complete justification
Acts 13:38-39 - justified from all things
c. the believer's union with Christ
Eph. 2:6
Col. 3:3
Rom. 6:4-5
- because of our union with Christ, we could
only fall and lose our salvation if Christ
could lose His!
C. Supposed "problem" passages
- (teachers - emphasize principles of hermeneutics
1. I John 3:9 vs. I John 1:9
2. Hebrews 6:6
3. Phil. 2:12 - cf. context
4. Rev. 21:8 - vs. context and Eph. 2:1-10
- overall point - some individuals doubt their salvation
because of a theological misunderstanding about eternal
- INPUT - we've spent a lot of time developing this
particular doctrine. How should these ideas affect our
growth in Christ?
II. Confusion Over The Degree of Faith, Sincerity, Humility,
A. The problem
- some folks doubt their salvation with questions like:
- Was I really sincere, did I have enough faith, etc.
B. Principles
1. Jesus describes salvation as "childlike faith"
2. the other side - no all "professors" are genuinely
- goes back to two points we made last week
1) Don't have a works orientation - (possible
to overemphasize the Did I do it right
2) Determine what you're trusting in today
- diagnostic questions don't just apply to
something in the past - they can be used
diagnostically about what you're
trusting now.
- point - person struggling with these kinds of questions has
some theology to straighten up. "It's not the degree of
faith, but the object of faith that counts."
III. Wrong Ideas Of Forgiveness
A. I can confess all my sins and be saved
- no one can remember even a fraction of their sins
B. I must forgive God, self, feel forgiven