Psalms 8
1. What is the difference between:
a. Jacob: "carry my sorrow to grave..."
Joseph: handled tough breaks well?
b. Dorie Van Stone: abused, yet a life of service
Another believer: continues to see the offense?
c. Believer: hurt deeply ... moves on
Another: broods, talks, stews
d. Believer who compromises on issues of truth.
Believer who live by convictions/Word of God?
KEY IS NOT: - denial - just be positive - smile clouds away
ANSWER: View of God!
Q: How does your view of God affect a. b. c. d.?
2. Psalm 8 is very important to your view of God!
- you and I need to see
I. His Exalted Position & Glory
A. How much importance is placed on a name?
1. Finish: "A good name is ..."
"He/she made quite a ..."
2. What do you know about God's name?
> power > all-sufficient... authority > righteousness
> salvation > prayer > growth
cf. Phil. 2:10
B. How is His splendor displayed?
(above heavens .. human utterances)
1. Among the creatures (man-beast-fowl-fish)
2. In the fabric of universe - Heb. 1:3
- oxygen pressure greater in air than in blood
- oxygen pressure greater in blood than in tissue
- CO 2 pressure greater in tissue that in the blood
- CO 2 pressure greater in the blood than in air
3. Stars in orbit (Alpha Hercules - 2 billion, 400 million
miles across
4. Sunlit Valleys - ration of animal to food
5. Mountains
cf. Job 9:8-12 - Mt. St. Helens (33,000 times Hiroshima)
II. His Elementary Defense v. 2
A. Not Gabriel, armies, or eloquence
cf. I Cor. 1:21,26,29
B. Has ordained infants - Mt. 21:15,16
- "establish His strength" = "build a defense"
III. His Enormous Creation -- Fingerwork -- v.3
A. Dr. Welk: "Why I re-studied creation."
B. What is the importance of believing in creation?
cf. "find myself"
- no view of creation
- no view of accountability
- no view of stewardship
C. Other thoughts:
1. Whatever you believe about creation/evolution (origins),
you believe by "faith."
- no one observed -- Heb. 11:3
2. Leading scientists in Darwin's day said, "We chose Darwin
not because it was scientific, but for lifestyle."
3. Creationism means:
- accountability
- life is personal
- there is a God who cares, I must
- there is a hereafter!
- life is important, purposeful
4. The bible is clear:
a. Ex Nehilo = "out of nothing"
b. 6 Days ... morning & evenings
- will not allow for long periods
- these are literal 24 hr. days
c. If long periods ... then:
- trees w/o light
- trees w/o bees to pollinate
- trees w/o winds to pollinate
d. "After his kind"
e. Gen 1:31 "very good"
- included not fossils of chaos
- violence, man-like creatures
- no sin and death till Gen. 3
f. Ex. 20:9 "Six days labored and did ALL His work"
IV. His Everlasting Love & Plan For Man
A. Our rank -- below God v.5
- in image
B. Our crown
- Artic Tern -- round trip between poles each year
- Bees .. intricate home
- Ants .. forethought
- Salmon .. once a lifetime trip to home
- Man Gen. 1:29, 5,6
C. Our failure - Heb. 2:8
D. Our Fulfiller and Savior - Heb. 2:9-12
- Psalm 8:9 - The praise He deserves
- How should that affect your life? my life?
- our view of salvation?
- our view of growth?
- our view of obedience?