Thankfulness for Your Secure Position in the Lord

Dr. Steve Viars September 25, 2022 Psalm 91:1-16

Psalm 91:1-2 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”

Psalm 89:46-52 - How long, O Lord? Will You hide Yourself forever? Will Your wrath burn like fire? Remember what my span of life is; for what vanity You have created all the sons of men! What man can live and not see death? Can he deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? Selah. Where are Your former lovingkindnesses, O Lord, which You swore to David in Your faithfulness? Remember, O Lord, the reproach of Your servants; how I bear in my bosom the reproach of all the many peoples, with which Your enemies have reproached, O Lord, with which they have reproached the footsteps of Your anointed. Blessed be the Lord forever! Amen and Amen.

Psalm 90:8-9 - You have placed our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of Your presence. For all our days have declined in Your fury; we have finished our years like a sigh.

Psalm 90:12 - So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

3 ways to grow in your appreciation of the Lord’s protection

I. Trust in the Character of God (vv. 1-4)

1. Faith in God – the hidden Life (1-4)

2. Peace from God – the protected life (5-13)

3. Love for God – the satisfied life (14-16)

A. Because He is the Most High

“The divine title ‘Most High’ (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked.” (NET Bible)

Psalm 7:17 - I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 47:2 - For the Lord Most High is to be feared, a great King over all the earth.

B. Because He is the Lord Almighty

Psalm 91:1 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Shaddai – the all-sufficient, all-powerful God adequate for every situation

“The author of the psalm had two ‘addresses’: his tent (v. 10) and his Lord (vv. 1, 9). The safest place in the world is a shadow, if it is the shadow of the Almighty.” (Warren Wiersbe)

C. Because He invites you to make Him your fortress

Psalm 91:2 - I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”

Psalm 15:1-3 - O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill? He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart. He does not slander with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend…

Matthew 23:37-38 - Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!

D. Because He is the Great Deliverer

Psalm 91:3-4 - For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

“The most important part of a believer’s life is the part that only God sees, the ‘hidden life’ of communion and worship that is symbolized by the Holy of Holies in the Jewish sanctuary (Ex. 25:18-22; Heb. 10:19-25). God is our refuge and strength (46:1). He hides us that He might help us and then send us back to serve Him in the struggles of life. (See 27:5; 31:19–20; 32:7; 73:27–28; 94:22; 142:5; Deut. 32:37.)” (Warren Wiersbe)

II. Seek Refuge in the Lord During Trials (vv. 5-13)

A. Even when there is great opposition and danger

Psalm 91:5-6 - You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day; of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.

Romans 8:28-29 - And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren…

“The psalm itself poses a danger. Because its assurance of security is so comprehensive and confident, it is especially subject to the misuse that is a possibility for all religious claims, that of turning faith into superstition. In Judaism and Christianity, bits of the text have been worn in amulets that were believed to be a kind of magical protection for those who wore them. By contrast, Paul cautions in 2 Tim 3:12 that all who live for God will suffer persecution, and in Phil 3:10 he indicates that to know Christ one must know him in the fellowship of his sufferings. Nevertheless, Ps 91:10 reassures God’s people that even though danger may swirl all about them, they are safe in his care.” (Mays, quoted by D.J Estes, Psalm 73-150, pp. 188-189)

B. Even when there is significant suffering all around you

Psalm 91:7-8 - A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.

C. Even if you can’t see the Lord’s ultimate plan of protection

Psalm 91:9-13 – For you have made the Lord, my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, that you do not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

Psalm 91:15 - He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

III. Delight in Your Relationship with the Lord

A. By cultivating your love for the Lord

Psalm 91:14a - Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him…

B. By increasing your knowledge of the Lord

Psalm 91:14b - …I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.

C. By walking with the Lord

Psalm 91:15a - He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble…

D. By waiting for the Lord’s honor

Psalm 91:15b - …I will rescue him and honor him.

E. By being satisfied in the Lord’s salvation

Psalm 91:16 - With a long life I will satisfy him and let him see My salvation.

- how many times in a given week do you have to list your address in order to do what you want to do, or go where you want to go, or buy what you want to buy?’s pretty amazing when you think about it…

- but one of the key elements of our identity is where you live…where you reside…where you go at the end of the day…

- so when you’re asked that question…do you have any trouble remembering that information?...probably not…unless you just moved…but it just becomes a natural part of who you are…

- in fact, some of have security questions on various accounts that include giving the address of the very first place we lived…

- and when you get as old as me…that takes you back a while…but I don’t even have to think twice…3959 Marshall Place, Gary IN….even though it’s been over 50 years since I lived at that address…

- so when you’re asked that question about you address today…what do you type in?...

- and before you answer too quickly…can I offer an alternative?...not one that you’d actually use on the form but one you certainly might to remember in your heart…

- Psalm 91:1–2 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”

- I realize you might say – I’m pretty sure there’s not enough room on the on-line form for that answer…good point…but is there enough room in your heart for it?...

- with that in mind, please open your Bible this morning to Psalm 91…[on page 432 of the front section of the Bible under the chair in front of you]…

- our church’s theme this year has been Growing in Gospel Gratitude

- I always chuckle when we get to the fall and see what has transpired throughout the year after we set up one of these themes…

- no one could have predicted high gas prices, or inflation, or any of the pressures you and I are facing in our world this year…along with undoubtedly a number of trials that have come your way in the last 9 months…

- but regardless of what you might want to put in that category [of trials and difficulties for you in 2022]…it still begs the question, have you been growing in gospel gratitude this year?...

- as a result of our various studies, are you more in love with Jesus Christ and more thankful for the salvation He has provided for you through His finished work on the cross if in fact there has been a definite time in your life where you admitted your need and placed your faith and trust in Him?...

- one of the reasons we selected this theme is because we knew we were going to be going into an election cycle…

- and followers of Jesus Christ can fall into one of two extremes when it comes to our faith and political matters…

- one is to be apathetic and fail to pray for our elected officials, or be educated about the issues of the day through the grid of a Christian world and life view, or unwilling to exercise our right to vote in this participatory democracy with which we’ve been entrusted…I hope none of us would be poor stewards in that kind of an apathetic fashion…

- but the other extreme would be to expect the government to do the job of the church, or confuse the cross with the flag, or find our ultimate joy in the results of the last election or put our ultimate hopes and focus on the results of the next one…

- and especially in this divided culture in which we live…we want to be people who are first and foremost growing in gospel gratitude…there are spiritual realities that we enjoy in Christ that transcend this life…

- that’s why our ultimate address has nothing to do with a street, or city, or state anywhere in this world…we’re finding shelter in an entirely different place…

- a second reason we wanted to be especially growing in gospel gratitude this year is because it was also time for us to craft our next strategic ministry plan together…

- now, the fact that I didn’t hear several shrieks of glee is a bit disappointing…because since we serve a God who plans, and we were made in His image, anytime we have an opportunity to craft future plans together as a church family, it ought to bring an even larger smile to our corporate faces…

- anyway, since planning by its very nature includes talking, and thinking, and praying about what needs to get better…we wanted to be sure that we were doing that on a foundation of gratefulness for all we enjoy in Jesus Christ…so on the one hand, yes we should be planning…but on the other, on a firm and expanding foundation of growing in gospel gratitude…

- I asked you to turn to Psalm 91 this morning…it’s important to think about where that fits in the overall flow of this marvelous collection…

- there are 150 Psalms, and they are organized into 5 books…

Book 1: Psalms 1—41
Book 2:
Psalms 42—72
Book 3:
Psalms 73—89
Book 4:
Psalms 90—106
Book 5:
Psalms 107—150

- if we’re in 91 this morning, you can see that we’re just at the beginning of the 4th book…

- well, what do we know about that?...

- many of these Psalms are prayers from either King David or God’s people because the Lord’s promised kingdom does not seem to be appearing on their desired timetable…

- you have a great Psalm like Psalm 2 that speaks about a king or a Messiah who will rule nations in righteousness and power…

- but it has become clear that while David was a wonderful leader in many ways, he was far from perfect and his family, and his kingdom are flawed in a surprising number of ways…

- that is an important theme throughout the entire OT…

- we need a better king…we need a more reliable home…

- that’s why many of the Psalms are songs of lament…God apparently invites His children to present their cries, and their questions, and their prayers, and even their complaints directly to His throne…

- and that process is intended to result in trust even when all the problems aren’t yet solved, or all the questions aren’t yet answered…

- what do you do in the time between the receipt of the promise…and the fulfillment of the promise?...

- book 3 in some ways ends on that note when we read -- Psalm 89:46–52 - How long, O Lord? Will You hide Yourself forever? Will Your wrath burn like fire? Remember what my span of life is; For what vanity You have created all the sons of men! What man can live and not see death? Can he deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? Selah. Where are Your former lovingkindnesses, O Lord, which You swore to David in Your faithfulness? Remember, O Lord, the reproach of Your servants; How I bear in my bosom the reproach of all the many peoples, with which Your enemies have reproached, O Lord, with which they have reproached the footsteps of Your anointed. Blessed be the Lord forever! Amen and Amen.

- book 4 opens with a Psalm written by Moses…where he recounts in part why these trials and difficulties have come to God’s people – it’s because of our own sin or the sin of living in a sin-cursed world…so we read things like…Psalm 90:8–9 - You have placed our iniquities before You, Our secret sins in the light of Your presence. For all our days have declined in Your fury; We have finished our years like a sigh.

- that in turn leads to an admonition about the brevity of life….Psalm 90:12 - So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.

- so what does that “heart of wisdom” sound like? can you tell if its in place?’s characterized by…Thankfulness for Your Secure Position in the Lord…that’s what we’d like to study this morning.

- read Psalm 91:1-16

- so we’re talking about Thankfulness for Your Secure Position in the Lord and with the time we have remaining, let’s think about 3 ways to grow in your appreciation of the Lord’s Protection

I. Trust in the Character of God – vv. 1-4

- I thought it might be helpful at this point to tell you how Bible teacher Warren Wiersbe outlined this Psalm, though it’s not exactly what we’re using this am…

- Wiersbe passed away several years ago…but he was a faithful and delightful Bible teacher…and he was known for making large sections of Scripture understandable…

- if you’re just getting started in Bible study, you might want to pick up his 2 volume commentary set on the entire Bible – it’s obviously not going to be very in-depth, but it is a very good and reliable starting place…

- his outline of Psalm 91 goes like this:

1. Faith in God – the Hidden Life (1-4)

2. Peace from God – the Protected Life (5-13)

3. Love for God – the Satisfied Life (14-16)

- I especially like that phrase “the hidden life” to describe what we’re talking about right now…it really does come down to this issue of “where’s your address?”, “where are you finding your shelter?”, “To whom do you turn when times are hard?”…

- and especially when you think about the overall sweep of the message of Psalms in its entirety…as we live in between the receipt of the promise of God’s perfect kingdom on this earth…and the fulfillment of the promise…with all of the sin, and all of the hardship, and all of the uncertainty…who is worthy of our trust?...

- this Psalm invites us to place our trust in the character of our God…well, why is that?...

A. Because He is the Most High

- this Psalm in part could be a study in the names of God…

- so we start not just with any shelter, but the shelter of Elyon – Most High

- The divine title “Most High” (עֶלְיוֹן ʿelyon) pictures God as the exalted ruler of the universe who vindicates the innocent and judges the wicked (NET Bible)

- do you believe that about our God even when you can’t fully see it yet?...

- a couple of other places that use this great name are:

Psalm 7:17 - I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 47:2 - For the Lord Most High is to be feared, a great King over all the earth.

- if you’re going to take shelter somewhere, isn’t this the kind of God you want to trust?...

- but it doesn’t stop there, because the God of the Bible has many attributes, and therefore many names to describe His beauty…like a diamond that you slowly turn and marvel at the many perspectives…we can also trust Him …

B. Because He is the Lord Almighty

- Psalm 91:1 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

- Shaddai – the all-sufficient, all-powerful God adequate for every situation

- Wiersbe said, The author of the psalm had two “addresses”: his tent (v. 10) and his Lord (vv. 1, 9). The safest place in the world is a shadow, if it is the shadow of the Almighty (Warren Wiersbe).

- the beauty of this is…

C. Because He invites you to make Him your fortress

- the pronouns switch in verse 2 because now the Psalmist is giving a personal testimony…

- Psalm 91:2 - I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”

- friend, is that your testimony this morning?...

- when you were stressed and frustrated…is this where you found your shelter and sought your strength?...

- is that why you paused and prayed before responding?...

- is that why you shut everything else down so you could concentrate on living in Him, and through Him, and to Him?...

- is that why you avoided any sinful substitute for shelter because you knew that would simply take you further away from your preferred address?...

- now, how does this fit with Growing in Gospel Gratitude?...

- the answer, especially in light of the authenticity of Psalm 90 and it’s focus on the sinfulness of man is that we realize that a tremendous price had to be paid before we could find legitimate and intimate shelter under the shadow of the Almighty…

- because our God is Holy…and something has to be done about our sin…

- that’s why David had previously written… Psalm 15:1–3 - O Lord, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill? He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart. He does not slander with his tongue, Nor does evil to his neighbor, Nor takes up a reproach against his friend;

- and you don’t have to read very far into a Psalm like that before you realize…Oh-oh – I don’t just need a king, I need a Savior…

- and the wonderful news is – Jesus Christ made it clear that He was willing to die in our place so we could assume this position of safety and shelter…

- just before going to the cross…He said…Matthew 23:37–38 - Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!

- can I ask you in the quietness of this moment – has there been a definite time in your life where you admitted your need, and then placed your faith in what Jesus Christ did on the cross as your only means of being reconciled to a Holy God?...

- if not, I would invite you to do that today…

- but if you have – that means not only that your sin was forgiven, but also that you have been clothed in the righteousness of Christ…which is what qualifies you to take refuge under the wings of our Holy God…

- and the Psalmist goes on to explain that…

D. Because He is the Great Deliverer

- Psalm 91:3–4 - For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

- I remember when Kris and I were just learning about the nature of our son Andrew’s disabilities…

- we were in the process of adopting him…he had been placed in our home at birth but it generally takes several months before the process is finalized…

- and when he was about 4 weeks old, he developed a bit of a cold…it would have been in February so practically everyone had colds…

- but one night Kris had taken him into the bathroom and turned on a hot shower just to get some steam going…but she woke me up and said – watch this – he periodically stops breathing…

- to say the least we were terrified…and we called our pediatrician…ended up in the hospital and we learned very quickly that we weren’t dealing with a head cold and that the reason Andrew’s breathing was being affected was because he was dehydrated…and that was happening because his kidneys weren’t working…and that was happening because he had abnormalities in the development of his brain…and that could also result in blindness…

- and I can remember being down at Riley Children’s Hospital…and I certainly don’t want to sugarcoat it, but there was a profound sense of peace for both Kris and me because there was no doubt whose wings were protecting us…

- coupled with an equally profound sense of gratitude because we hadn’t earned that position of safety and security by our own efforts…they had been secured fully and freely by our wonderful Savior…

- in that sense we were already living in that great kingdom because we were personally related to the King…

- I like the way Wiersbe summarized this - The most important part of a believer’s life is the part that only God sees, the “hidden life” of communion and worship that is symbolized by the Holy of Holies in the Jewish sanctuary (Ex. 25:18–22; Heb. 10:19–25). God is our refuge and strength (46:1). He hides us that He might help us and then send us back to serve Him in the struggles of life. (See 27:5; 31:19–20; 32:7; 73:27–28; 94:22; 142:5; Deut. 32:37.) (Warren Wiersbe)

- see friend, do you trust in the character of our God?...

II. Seek Refuge in the Lord During Trials – vv. 5-13

- see, at some point – you have to decide – where are you going to seek shelter during a time of storms?

- for some followers of Jesus Christ, that’s when they turn to the latest man-made theory from the world…

- or gratuitous sex, or alcohol or drugs or any number of mindless pursuits to try to drown out the pain…

- we can choose to seek refuge in the God who has promised to protect us…

A. Even when there is great opposition and danger

- Psalm 91:5–6 - You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.

- now you might say of this entire section – but what about when God doesn’t protect someone in a particular situation?...

- this church had multiple people die of COVID – where was Psalm 91 when all of that was unfolding?...that’s a very fair question….

- some have referred to Psalm 91 as the Romans 8:28-29 of the Bible…

- Romans 8:28–29 - And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;

- one commentator said - The psalm itself poses a danger. Because its assurance of security is so comprehensive and confident, it is especially subject to the misuse that is a possibility for all religious claims, that of turning faith into superstition. In Judaism and Christianity, bits of the text have been worn in amulets that were believed to be a kind of magical protection for those who wore them.” By contrast, Paul cautions in 2 Tim 3:12 that all who live for God will suffer persecution, and in Phil 3:10 he indicates that to know Christ one must know him in the fellowship of his sufferings. Nevertheless, Ps 91:10 reassures God’s people that even though danger may swirl all about them, they are safe in his care (Mays, quoted by D.J Estes, Psalm 73-150, pp. 188-189).

- so when we read – “you will not be afraid…” – that’s true in the sense that you do not have to be…the antidote to sinful fear is quiet trust that God is too good to do wrong and too wise to make a mistake…

B. Even when there is significant suffering all around you

Psalm 91:7–8 - A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.

- that’s one of the most significant aspects of God’s protection of His people…

- yes, we might undergo His loving, Father discipline in all sorts of ways, both punitive and corrective…but we will never face His wrath…because we’ve been washed in the blood of the Lamb and are protected by His wings…

C. Even if you can’t see the Lord’s ultimate plan of protection

- Psalm 91:9–13 – For you have made the Lord, my refuge, Even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in their hands, that you do not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent you will trample down.

- and of course this doesn’t mean we’ll never face trouble because that would deny all sorts of biblical emphases including a few verses later – v. 15 - He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

- in other words, you’ll never face trouble that:

- was outside God’s divine plan of sanctification for you…

- or outside of His Fatherly love for and protection over you…

- or apart from His strength necessary to handle the trouble well…

- to be able to honestly say that is yet another reason to be growing in gospel gratitude…

- this also provides incredible confidence and courage as we contemplate our future…

- that’s the thought process before the title of our next strategic ministry plan…Free to Dream

- there are four keystone projects our church family adopted on May 15th…and a possible bonus…

1. Complete Barn at Restoration - $100,000

2. Faith East Re-Model - $100,000

3. Construct New High School/Athletic Addition - $4,000,000

4. Retire Faith-East and Faith West Debt - $2,500,000

- along with – If the Lord unusually blesses, construct additional community ballfields at FE

- if the Lord allows us to achieve these goals, what happens at the end of 2025?...assuming our finances stay the same – a significant amount of money (well over a million dollar a year) will be freed up that had gone to debt retirement which will now be available for additional ministry here and around the world…

- that’s the point of the phrase “Free to Dream” – and it should be a delightful time for our church family…

- well, what kinds of opportunities will we be dreaming about?...

- things that are safe, and risk-free, and financially comfortable?...not if we’re residing in the shadow of the Almighty God…

- the more thankful we are for our secure position in the Lord, the more passionate we are going to be about living and proclaiming the gospel as our highest priority as we seek to glorify the Lord together in new and exciting ways…

- there’s no doubt in my mind that our church family will be talking about more missions work around the world…but here’s the question we need to consider – are we prepared to accept the additional risk that goes with increased missions activity?...

- proclaiming the gospel around the world can be dangerous business…

- [develop – first trip top Peru where a passing motorist encouraged you to take off your watch…talking to missionaries who routinely deal with theft of their cars while in town…houses that have concrete walls with broken glass grouted in the top and heavy steel doors guarding their properties…]

- Q – do we believe our God is capable of protecting us as we seek to minister in more significant ways for Him around the world in the coming days?...

- I’m also quite certain that our church family will also be dreaming about starting additional ministries here in our community…and on the one hand it is exciting to begin to dream about things that we wouldn’t have even talked about before…

- but what are the challenges with that?...

1. Greater danger – cf. the person who almost OD’d on heroine the other night at the NCC

2. Greater financial sacrifice – because buildings have to be maintained and new ministries have to be funded in ongoing sorts of ways…

- are we seeking refuge in these challenging days in the shelter of our God so that we have the strength, and the courage, and the confidence to dream with the level of aggressiveness that is worthy of the name of our Savior?...

- [develop the two steps we’re encouraging everyone to take – make a commitment to the capital campaign right away, and plan to be at the Stewardship Celebration on November 20th]…

III. Delight in Your Relationship with the Lord

- the pronouns change again in verse 14…God is speaking to the person willing to trust in him…

A. By cultivating your love for the Lord

- Psalm 91:14a - Because he has loved Me, therefore I will deliver him;

- Can I encourage you to grow in your love for the Lord as you consider what was required to make sin-cursed people like us qualified to take shelter under the wings of this Holy God?

B. By increasing your knowledge of the Lord

- Psalm 91:14b - …I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.

- I realize you might say – I don’t know Him very well…why not decide right here and now that you are going to take specific steps to grow in your knowledge of God this fall?

C. By walking with the Lord

- Psalm 91:15a - He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble;

- evaluate where you tend to go during times of trouble…don’t be like the little child who is lost and can’t remember his address…

D. By waiting for the Lord’s honor

- Psalm 91:15b - …I will rescue him and honor him.

- some of your difficulties might involve not receiving the respect and appreciation you deserve in this life…don’t fret about that, or lust for it…just wait for what the Lord will do to honor you in His way, and in His time…

E. By being satisfied in the Lord’s salvation

- Psalm 91:16 - With a long life I will satisfy him and let him see My salvation.

- if God has made a way for Him to be our true refuge and fortress…that is far more than we’ll ever need…


Dr. Steve Viars


Senior Pastor - Faith Church

Director - Faith Legacy Foundation


B.S.: Pre-Seminary & Bible, Baptist Bible College (Now Clarks Summit University)
M.Div.: Grace Theological Seminary
D.Min.: Biblical Counseling, Westminster Theological Seminary

Dr. Steve Viars has served at Faith Church in Lafayette, IN since 1987. Pastor Viars leads and equips Faith Church as Senior Pastor with a focus on preaching and teaching God’s Word and using his organizational skills in guiding the implementation of the Faith Church mission and vision. He oversees the staff, deacons, and all Faith Church ministries. Dr. Viars serves on the boards of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Vision of Hope, and the Faith Community Development Corporation. Steve is the author, co-author, or contributor to six books and numerous booklets. He and his wife, Kris, were married in 1982 and have two married daughters, a son, and five grandchildren.

Read Steve Viars’ Journey to Faith for the full account of how the Lord led Pastor Viars to Faith Church.

View Pastor Viars' Salvation Testimony Video